( Siddh Chaupai ) Rammayan ,रामचरितमानस की चौपाइयों में ऐसी क्षमता है कि इन चौपाइयों के जप से ही मनुष्य बड़े-से-बड़े संकट में भी मुक्त हो जाता है। इन मंत्रों का जीवन में प्रयोग अवश्य करें, प्रभु श्रीराम आपके जीवन को सुखमय बना देंगे।
Ramayan Siddh Chaupai-रामायण की सिद्ध चौपाई
रक्षा के लिए (For protection)
मामभिरक्षक रघुकुल नायक।
घृत वर चाप रुचिर कर सायक॥
“Mamabhirakshak Raghukula Naayak,
Ghrit Var Chaap Ruchir Kar Saayak.”
“O Protector of the Raghu dynasty,
With a beautiful bow and arrows filled with ghee (clarified butter).”
The couplet refers to Lord Rama, who is hailed as the protector of the Raghu dynasty and is depicted holding a magnificent bow with arrows anointed with ghee, symbolizing his valiance and strength.
विपत्ति दूर करने के लिए (To overcome adversity)
राजिव नयन धरे धनु सायक।
भक्त विपत्ति भंजन सुखदायक॥
“Rajiv Nayan Dhare Dhanu Saayak,
Bhakt Vipatti Bhanjan Sukhadaayak.”
“With lotus-like eyes, holding a bow and arrow,
The destroyer of devotees’ troubles, bestower of happiness.”
The couplet refers to Lord Rama, who is described as having eyes as beautiful as lotus petals and holding a bow and arrow. He is believed to be the one who eradicates the difficulties and troubles faced by his devotees, bringing them happiness and relief.
सहायता के लिए (For seeking help)
मोरे हित हरि सम नहि कोऊ।
एहि अवसर सहाय सोई होऊ॥
“More hita hari sam nahi koi,
Ehi avasar sahaya soi hou.”
“There is none as benevolent as Lord Hari (Rama),
In this time of need, only He is the true helper.”
The couplet expresses the belief that during times of distress or difficulty, there is no one as compassionate and helpful as Lord Rama. He is considered the ultimate support and protector, and seeking His assistance is believed to bring solace and relief.
सब काम बनाने के लिए (For accomplishing all task )
वंदौ बाल रुप सोई रामू।
सब सिधि सुलभ जपत जोहि नामू॥
“Vandau baal rup soi Raamu,
Sab sidhi sulabh japata johi naamu.”
“I salute the Lord, who has a charming childlike form,
By chanting whose name, all accomplishments become easy and accessible.”
The couplet extols Lord Rama, emphasizing the efficacy of chanting His name in achieving success and fulfillment of all endeavors. Lord Rama’s divine name is believed to have the power to grant blessings and make difficult tasks effortless for His devotees.
वश में करने के लिए (For gaining control over someone )
सुमिर पवन सुत पावन नामू।
अपने वश कर राखे राम॥
“Sumir Pavan Sut Paavan Naamu,
Apne vash kar raakhe Raam.”
“Remember the sacred name of Lord Hanuman,
Lord Rama keeps you under His control.”
The couplet suggests that by remembering and chanting the holy name of Lord Hanuman, who is known for his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama, one can experience the protection and guidance of Lord Rama, who keeps them under His divine control. It is important to note that the concept of controlling others through supernatural means goes against the principles of free will and ethical practices. Instead, such verses are more about seeking divine blessings and guidance in life.
संकट से बचने के लिए (For avoiding troubles )
दीन दयालु विरद संभारी।
हरहु नाथ मम संकट भारी॥
“Deen Dayalu Virad Sambhaari,
Harahu Naath Mam Sankat Bhari.”
“O Compassionate and Courageous Lord,
Please remove my heavy troubles and difficulties.”
The couplet appeals to the benevolent and courageous nature of the Lord, requesting Him to alleviate the burdens and challenges faced by the devotee. It reflects the belief that seeking the help and protection of the divine can provide relief and support during times of distress.
विघ्न विनाश के लिए (For the removal of obstacles )
सकल विघ्न व्यापहि नहि तेही।
राम सुकृपा बिलोकहि जेहि॥
“Sakal vighn vyāpahi nahi tehi,
Rām sukrpā bilokahi jehi.”
“No obstacles can prevail against that person,
Whom Lord Rama bestows His grace upon.”
The couplet emphasizes the belief that with the grace and blessings of Lord Rama, one can overcome any obstacles or difficulties. It reflects the idea that divine intervention and favor can make one invincible and help them overcome any challenges that come their way.
रोग विनाश के लिए (For the eradication of diseases )
राम कृपा नाशहि सव रोगा।
जो यहि भाँति बनहि संयोगा॥
“Rām kṛpā nāshahi sava rogā,
Jo yahi bhānti banahi sanyogā.”
“The grace of Lord Rama destroys all diseases,
Such is the divine connection that is formed.”
The couplet highlights the belief that the blessings and grace of Lord Rama have the power to cure and alleviate all kinds of illnesses and health issues. It signifies the profound connection between the devotee and the divine, where seeking the Lord’s grace results in healing and well-being.
ज्वार ताप दूर करने के लिए (For alleviating fever and afflictions )
दैहिक दैविक भौतिक तापा।
राम राज्य नहि काहूं व्यापा॥
“Daihik Daivik Bhautik Taapā,
Rām rājya nahi kāhūṁ vyāpā.”
“Be it physical, divine, or worldly afflictions,
None can affect someone under the protection of Lord Rama.”
The couplet suggests that those who have the blessings and protection of Lord Rama are shielded from various forms of afflictions, including physical illnesses, divine challenges, and worldly difficulties. The verse underscores the belief in the protective and benevolent nature of Lord Rama, who safeguards His devotees from all troubles.
दुःख नाश के लिए (For the destruction of sorrow )
राम भक्ति मणि उस बस जाके।
दुःख लवलेस न सपनेहु ताके॥
“Rām bhakti maṇi us bas jāke,
dukh lavleṣa na sapnehu tāke.”
“Whoever abides in the jewel of devotion to Lord Rama,
Sorrows vanish, not a trace remains even in dreams.”
The couplet emphasizes that those who wholeheartedly devote themselves to Lord Rama and His worship find their sorrows dissolving away completely. Even in their dreams, they are free from distress and experience a sense of peace and contentment. The verse underscores the power of sincere devotion in bringing solace and liberation from suffering
खोई चीज पाने के लिए (For finding lost items )
गई बहोरि गरीब नेवाजू।
सरल सबल साहिब रघुराजू॥
“Gai bahori garib nevājū,
Saral sabal sāhib Raghu Rājū.”
“A poor and helpless person went searching,
With simplicity and strength, Lord Raghu (Rama) became their protector.”
The couplet narrates a tale where a poor and helpless person, in their time of need, sought the assistance of Lord Rama with sincerity and humility. Through His divine grace, Lord Rama protected and helped the person in finding their lost possession. The verse underscores the belief in the compassionate and caring nature of Lord Rama, who comes to the aid of those who seek His support with genuine devotion and simplicity.
अनुराग बढ़ाने के लिए (For increasing affection)
सीता राम चरण रति मोरे।
अनुदिन बढ़े अनुग्रह तोरे॥
“Sitā Rām charan rati more,
Anudin baḍhe anugrah tore.”
“My delight lies in the feet of Sita and Rama,
Day by day, Your blessings increase.”
The couplet expresses the sentiment of the devotee, who finds immense joy and contentment in contemplating and cherishing the divine presence of Lord Rama and Sita. The verse also conveys the belief that with each passing day, the blessings of the Lord shower upon the devotee, strengthening their bond of love and devotion towards the divine couple.
घर में सुख लाने के लिए (For bringing happiness into the home )
जै सकाम नर सुनहि जे गावहि।
सुख सम्पत्ति नाना विधि पावहिं॥
“Jai sakām nar sunahi je gāvahi,
Sukh sampatti nānā vidhi pāvahi.”
“Whichever desire-driven person listens or sings,
They attain various forms of happiness and prosperity.”
The couplet suggests that when an individual, driven by desires, listens to or sings praises of the divine, they receive abundant happiness and prosperity in various ways. It emphasizes the belief in the positive effects of devotional practices and the spiritual benefits that come from connecting with the divine.
सुधार करने के लिए (For self-improvement )
मोहि सुधारहि सोई सब भाँती।
जासु कृपा नहि कृपा अघाती॥
“Mohi sudhārahi soī sab bhāntī,
Jāsu kṛpā nahi kṛpā aghātī.”
“He alone can reform me in every way,
Whose grace knows no bounds or limitations.”
The couplet highlights the belief that true self-improvement and transformation can only be achieved through the divine grace of a higher power. It emphasizes the need to seek the benevolence of the divine, as only through such boundless and compassionate grace can one undergo a comprehensive and positive change in all aspects of life.
विद्या पाने के लिए (For acquiring knowledge )
गुरू गृह पढ़न गए रघुराई।
अल्प काल विधा सब आई॥
“Guru gṛha paḍhan gae Raghu Rāi,
Alp kāl vidhā sab āī.”
Raghu Raja (Lord Rama) went to study at the home of his Guru,
In a short time, he mastered all disciplines (knowledge).”
The couplet narrates the story of Lord Rama, who, as an ideal student and seeker of knowledge, went to study at the ashram of his Guru (teacher). With his dedication and sincerity, he quickly mastered all the subjects and disciplines taught by his Guru. The verse highlights the importance of seeking knowledge from a learned teacher and how dedication and devotion to learning can lead to rapid progress in acquiring wisdom and skills.
सरस्वती निवास के लिए (For attaining the abode of Goddess Saraswat )
जेहि पर कृपा करहि जन जानी।
कवि उर अजिर नचावहि बानी॥
“Jehi par kṛpā karahi jan jānī,
Kavi ur ajir nachāvahi bānī.”
“Whomsoever Goddess Saraswati bestows her grace upon,
In their heart, the poet’s words dance like a bowless arrow.”
The couplet highlights that those who receive the blessings and grace of Goddess Saraswati, the deity of knowledge, arts, and wisdom, are blessed with eloquence and creativity. The words of the poet flow effortlessly, and their expressions become as graceful and impactful as an arrow without a bow. It emphasizes the importance of seeking the divine guidance of Saraswati for acquiring knowledge and artistic talents.
निर्मल बुद्धि के लिए (For obtaining pure intellect )
ताके युग पदं कमल मनाऊँ।
जासु कृपा निर्मल मति पाऊँ॥
“Take yug padaṁ kamal manāū̃,
Jāsu kṛpā nirmal mati pāū̃.”
“I bow to the lotus feet of the one whose grace
bestows a pure and immaculate intellect upon me.”
The couplet expresses the desire to attain a pure and untainted intellect through the divine grace of a higher power. By seeking the blessings of the divine, the devotee aims to achieve a mind that is free from impurities and endowed with wisdom and clarity. It emphasizes the belief that spiritual guidance and grace can lead to the development of a discerning and virtuous intellect.
मोह नाश के लिए (For the destruction of attachment )
होय विवेक मोह भ्रम भागा।
तब रघुनाथ चरण अनुरागा॥
“Hoy vivek moh bhram bhāgā,
Tab Raghu-nāth charan anurāgā.”
“When discrimination arises, delusion and confusion flee,
Then one develops deep love for the feet of Lord Raghunath (Rama).”
The couplet highlights the importance of cultivating discernment (vivek) to overcome the illusions and attachments that cloud the mind. When one develops the ability to discriminate between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, they become free from the entanglements of delusion and confusion. With a clear and pure heart, one can develop deep love and devotion for the divine feet of Lord Raghunath, referring to Lord Rama, and experience a deeper spiritual connection. The verse emphasizes the significance of discernment and devotion in the path of spiritual growth and liberation from worldly attachments.
प्रेम बढ़ाने के लिए (For increasing love and affection )
सब नर करहिं परस्पर प्रीती।
चलत स्वधर्म कीरत श्रुति रीती॥
“Sab nar karahi paraspar prītī,
Chalat swa-dharma kīrat shruti rītī.”
“Let all people foster mutual love and affection,
Walking the path of righteousness and following the principles of scriptures.”
The couplet advocates for cultivating love and goodwill among all individuals. It suggests that by practicing love and kindness towards each other and adhering to one’s duties (swa-dharma) in accordance with the teachings of scriptures, people can strengthen their bond and enhance the atmosphere of harmony and love in society. The verse emphasizes the importance of living in harmony, following moral principles, and nurturing affection for one another as essential elements for a peaceful and loving community.
प्रीति बढ़ाने के लिए (For increasing love and affection )
बैर न कर काह सन कोई।
जासन बैर प्रीति कर सोई॥
“Bair na kar kāh san koī,
Jāsan bair prīti kar soī.”
“Bear no enmity with anyone,
Just as enmity turns into love.”
The couplet advises against harboring ill feelings or enmity towards others. It suggests that by avoiding hostility and animosity, and instead choosing to foster love and goodwill, even those who were once adversaries can develop affection and understanding for each other. The verse underscores the transformative power of love and forgiveness in turning animosity into affectionate relationships, promoting peace and harmony among people.
सुख प्राप्ति के लिए (For attaining happiness )
अनुजन संयुत भोजन करही।
देखि सकल जननी सुख भरहीं॥
“Anujan saṁyut bhojan karahī,
Dekhi sakal janani sukh bharahīṁ.”
“Partaking in a meal with loved ones,
Beholding the mother of all (Nature), one finds boundless happiness.”
The couplet conveys that sharing a meal with family and loved ones brings joy and contentment. Additionally, by observing and appreciating the beauty and abundance of nature (often symbolized as the universal mother), one can experience immense happiness. The verse emphasizes the importance of cherishing relationships and finding happiness in the simple joys of life, both through human connections and the wonders of the natural world.
भाई का प्रेम पाने के लिए (For receiving the love of a brother )
सेवाहि सानुकूल सब भाई।
राम चरण रति अति अधिकाई॥
“Sevāhi sānukūl sab bhāi,
Rām charan rati ati adhikāī.”
“Serve and be supportive of all brothers,
Having a deep affection for Lord Rama’s feet.”
The couplet emphasizes the significance of showing love and support to all brothers. By being caring and considerate towards them, one can foster strong and positive relationships. Additionally, having profound affection and devotion for Lord Rama’s divine feet can further strengthen the bond with the family and instill a sense of unity and harmony among all brothers. The verse promotes the values of brotherly love and spiritual connection in one’s journey towards a fulfilling and meaningful life
बैर दूर करने के लिए (For resolving enmity)
बैर न कर काहूं सन कोई।
राम प्रताप विषमता खोई॥
“Bair na kar kāhū̃ san koī,
Rām pratāp vishamatā khoī.”
“Bear no enmity with anyone,
By the grace of Lord Rama, animosity vanishes.”
The couplet advises against harboring ill feelings or enmity towards others. It suggests that by letting go of hostility and animosity, the divine grace of Lord Rama can help resolve conflicts and bring harmony among people. The verse highlights the transformative power of forgiveness and the positive impact of seeking divine blessings in overcoming enmity and fostering peaceful relationships.
मेल कराने के लिए (For reconciliation )
गरल सुधा रिपु करही मिलाई।
गोपद सिंधु अनल सितलाई॥
“Garal sudhā ripu karahī milāī,
Gopad sindhu anal sitālāī.”
“Turning poison into nectar, I reconciled with my enemy,
As effortlessly as cooling the scorching ocean with the moon.”
The couplet symbolizes the power of reconciliation and forgiveness in resolving conflicts. Just as the moon’s coolness soothes the fiery ocean, the protagonist reconciled with their enemy and turned animosity into harmony and understanding. It showcases the transformative potential of forgiveness and the ability to convert hostility into amicability. The verse emphasizes the virtue of seeking reconciliation and finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts.
शत्रु नाश के लिए (For the destruction of enemies )
जाके सुमिरन ते रिपु नासा।
नाम शत्रुघ्न वेद प्रकाशा॥
For the destruction of enemies:
“Jāke sumiran te ripu nāsā,
Nām śatrughna Veda prakāśā.”
“By remembering whom, the enemies are vanquished,
The name of Śatrughna (another name for Lord Rama) illuminates the Vedas.”
The couplet suggests that reciting the name of Śatrughna, who is an incarnation of Lord Rama’s brother, can lead to the destruction of enemies. It signifies the protective and powerful nature of the divine name and the belief in its ability to bring victory over adversaries. The verse also conveys that the name of Śatrughna, or any divine name, holds profound significance and is even revered in the sacred scriptures (Vedas), further enhancing its potency in overcoming challenges and obstacles posed by enemies.
रोजगार पाने के लिए (For finding employment )
विश्व भरण पोषण करि जोई।
ता “Vishwa bharaṇ poshan kari joī,
Tākar nām Bharat asa hoī.”
“One who sustains and nurtures the world,
By chanting the name of Bharat, attains the desired fulfillment.”
The couplet signifies that those who contribute to the well-being and nourishment of society, caring for the needs of others, can find success in their endeavors. Additionally, chanting the name of Bharat (referring to Lord Rama’s brother) or any divine name is believed to bring about auspicious outcomes and fulfillment of aspirations, including finding suitable employment or success in one’s career. The verse highlights the importance of selfless service and devotion as a means to achieve prosperity and fulfillment in life.कर नाम भरत अस होई॥
इच्छा पूरी करने के लिए (For fulfilling desires )
राम सदा सेवक रूचि राखी।
वेद पुराण साधु सुर साखी॥
“Rām sadā sevak rūchi rākhī,
Ved Purāṇ sādhu sur sākhī.”
“Always keep your inclination as a servant of Lord Rama,
The Vedas, Puranas, sages, and celestial beings are witnesses to this.”
The couplet emphasizes the importance of maintaining a devoted and humble attitude towards Lord Rama. By being a dedicated servant of the divine, one can find favor and support from the Vedas, Puranas (sacred scriptures), saints, and celestial beings. The verse suggests that aligning oneself with the path of devotion and righteousness can lead to the fulfillment of desires and blessings from higher powers. It promotes the idea of seeking divine guidance and living a life of service and devotion to achieve one’s aspirations and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.
पाप विनाश के लिए (For the destruction of sins )
पापी जाकर नाम सुमिरहीं।
अति अपार भव भवसागर तरहीं॥
“Pāpī jākar nām sumirahī̃,
Ati apār bhav bhavasāgar tarahī̃.”
“The sinful, upon chanting the name (of the divine),
Effortlessly cross the immense ocean of worldly existence.”
The couplet conveys that even those burdened with sins can find redemption and liberation by chanting the divine name. By sincerely remembering and invoking the name of the divine, individuals can effortlessly cross the vast and tumultuous ocean of worldly existence, which symbolizes the cycle of birth and death and the associated sufferings. The verse emphasizes the potency of spiritual practices, especially the repetition of the divine name, in purifying the soul and attaining freedom from the karmic entanglements of life. It reflects the idea of seeking divine grace to transcend the limitations of human existence and attain spiritual emancipation.
अल्प मृत्यु न होने के लिए (For avoiding untimely death )
अल्प मृत्यु नहि कबजिहूं पीरा।
सब सुन्दर सब निरूज शरीरा॥
“Alp mṛtyu nahi kabaji-hū̃ pīrā,
Sab sundar sab nirūj sharīrā.”
“There is no fear of untimely death or suffering,
With a beautiful and healthy body free from ailments.”
The couplet suggests that by maintaining a healthy and vibrant body, one can minimize the risks of premature death and suffering from various ailments. The verse emphasizes the importance of taking care of one’s physical well-being to lead a fulfilling and long life. It conveys that a healthy body is a valuable asset that can provide protection against illnesses and untimely demise. The underlying message is to prioritize health and adopt a lifestyle that promotes well-being, leading to a life free from the fear of early mortality or physical ailments.
दरिद्रता दूर के लिए (For alleviating poverty )
नहि दरिद्र कोऊं दुःखी न दीना।
नहि कोऊं अबुध न लक्षण हीना॥
“Nahi daridra koũ duḥkhī na dīnā,
Nahi koũ abudh na lakṣhan hīnā.”
“No one is made unhappy or miserable due to poverty,
No one is devoid of intelligence or lacking in virtues.”
The couplet asserts that poverty does not necessarily lead to unhappiness or misery, and it does not indicate a lack of intelligence or virtues in an individual. It emphasizes that a person’s worth is not defined solely by their material possessions or economic status. Every individual, regardless of their financial circumstances, possesses inherent qualities and intelligence. The verse promotes the idea of recognizing and valuing the intrinsic worth of every person and treating everyone with respect and dignity, irrespective of their social or economic background. It conveys a message of compassion and empathy towards those facing poverty and discourages any form of discrimination based on wealth or social standing.
प्रभु दर्शन पाने के लिए (For attaining the vision of the Divine )
अतिशय प्रीति देख रघुवीरा।
प्रकटे ह्रदय हरण भव पीरा॥
“Atiśaya prīti dekh Raghuveerā,
Prakṭe hraday haraṇ bhav pīrā.”
“Beholding the immense love, O Raghuveer (Lord Rama),
The sorrows of existence are dispelled from the heart.”
The couplet describes the transformative power of witnessing and experiencing the profound love and grace of the Divine, symbolized here by Lord Rama (Raghuveer). By cultivating deep devotion and love for the Divine, one’s heart becomes purified, and the burdens of worldly suffering are relieved. The verse highlights the significance of having a heartfelt connection with the Divine, as it brings solace and liberation from the trials and tribulations of life. The aspirant is inspired to seek spiritual guidance and surrender to the divine presence to find inner peace and contentment.
शोक दूर करने के लिए (For dispelling grief )
नयन बन्त रघुपतहिं बिलोकी।
आए जन्म फल होहिं विशोकी॥
“Nayan bant Ragupatahin bilokī,
Āye janm phal hohiṃ vishokī.”
“Gazing upon the Lord of the Raghu dynasty,
One attains the fruit of birth and becomes free from sorrow.”
The couplet highlights that by fixing one’s eyes upon Lord Rama, who belongs to the Raghu dynasty, one can attain the ultimate goal of life and be liberated from grief and sorrow. The verse emphasizes the significance of focusing on the divine presence to find solace and relief from the pains and sorrows of life. It suggests that by seeking the divine grace and blessings, one can overcome the sufferings associated with the cycle of birth and death and find true contentment and peace. The verse encourages the devotee to establish a deep connection with the divine and seek spiritual guidance to dispel sorrow and attain spiritual fulfillment.
क्षमा मांगने के लिए (For seeking forgiveness )
अनुचित बहुत कहहूँ अज्ञाता।
क्षमाहुँ क्षमा मन्दिर दोऊ भ्राता॥
For seeking forgiveness:
“Anuchit bahut kahahū̃ ajñātā,
Kṣamāhū̃ kṣamā mandir doū bhrātā.”
“Unknowingly, I have spoken many improper words,
I seek forgiveness, O brothers, in the temple of forgiveness.”
The couplet expresses remorse for unintentionally speaking inappropriate or hurtful words. The speaker humbly seeks forgiveness from others, referring to them as “brothers,” acknowledging the shared bond of humanity. The verse metaphorically refers to the “temple of forgiveness,” emphasizing the importance of seeking pardon from others when one realizes their mistakes. It encourages the value of humility, acknowledging faults, and seeking reconciliation and forgiveness to maintain harmonious relationships with others. The verse beautifully conveys the significance of seeking pardon and striving for amicable resolutions in moments of misunderstanding or conflict.