The meaning of our Dreams

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The meaning of our Dreams

The meaning of our dreams

is an experience that separates us from our everyday life and connects us with thoughts, emotions, and the past. Dreams reveal the main freedom of our mind, where the hidden aspects of our mind can come forth and guide our lives. Through dreams, we can obtain valuable information that can help us recognize upcoming events and experiences in our lives.

The logic behind dream interpretation

suggests that dreams are connected to a person’s mind and reflect their insight. When we sleep, our minds become calm, and they are capable of creating the outline of dreams. The images, sounds, and emotions that appear in dreams can reflect the hidden emotions, desires, predictions, and future events within us.

Interpreting the intricate meanings of dreams

can be challenging because the meaning of dreams can vary based on a person’s language, culture, traditional heritage, and experiences. A dream represents a person’s insight, incorporating their thoughts, emotions, and experiences associated with their life. Dreams can reveal aspects that are present in reality, such as a person’s emotions, desires, sorrows, joys, and hidden elements. Therefore, understanding the meaning of dreams requires understanding the context of an individual’s issue.

Dreams are a significant part of our lives. We all dream daily, and some dreams are related to our daily routine, while others provide us with knowledge about the future and are associated with our emotions. Understanding the meaning of dreams can contribute to convenience and prosperity in our lives. Thus, we are presenting some basic information about the meaning of dreams that can assist you in understanding your dreams.

Approaches to understanding dream meanings

Understanding Symbols:

Understanding the various symbols appearing in dreams is an essential way to comprehend their meaning. Some symbols are suggestive and carry specific meanings, while others are personal and relate only to the dreamer’s life and experiences. Each person may have a different interpretation of the symbols, but certain symbols have similar meanings for most individuals. Here is a description of some common symbols that can help in understanding the meaning of dreams:

Significance of Personal Experience:

The importance of personal experience contributes significantly to understanding the meaning of our dreams. Each person possesses their own collection of personal references related to the events and emotions occurring in their life. Therefore, we need to connect our dreams with our personal experiences to understand their meaning. Dreams hold greater significance in relation to events, emotions, people around us, and circumstances present in our lives.

Fundamental Analysis of Dream Meanings:

Another approach to interpreting dream meanings involves knowledge of past lives and reincarnation. Some people believe that the meaning of dreams can be connected to our past lives and can help manifest our thoughts and actions. This principle is useful as part of Advaita and Indian astrology. Knowledge of our past lives helps us understand the meaning of our dreams, which influences our thoughts and actions in our current lives.

The meaning and impact of dreams can deeply influence various aspects of our lives. Here, we will focus on a few important areas:

  1. Mental Health The meaning of dreams can affect our mental health. When we have good and positive dreams, our mental state improves, and our mind becomes calm. Conversely, sad and terrifying dreams can impact our mental health, causing stress and anxiety.
  2. Decision-Making Abilities The meaning of dreams can influence our decision-making abilities. Through dreams, we can understand our perceptions, desires, and aspirations, and make the right decisions in our lives. Dreams can help us clarify our goals and objectives and choose the right path to fulfill them.
  3. Emotional Perception The meaning of dreams can influence our emotional perception. When we have pleasant dreams, our emotions are filled with joy and happiness. This instills in us a sense of gratitude and a constant motivation to stay positive. Conversely, negative dreams can pull our emotions towards negativity and indifference.

Dreaming of Animals:

When we see an animal in a dream, it is often associated with personal and generally physical qualities and behaviors. It is observed that when we see an animal in a dream, it reflects a characteristic within us that is related to that particular animal. For example, if we see a cow in a dream, it could symbolize our mother, who represents our physical and mental well-being.

Dreaming of Insects:

Dreaming of insects can have various interpretations according to different beliefs. In astrology, it is said that seeing insects in a dream can indicate wealth, abundance, and prosperity. From a scientific perspective, insects are natural elements that symbolize life force. If we see insects in a dream, it may signify the need to develop our natural qualities and enhance ourselves.

Dreaming of Relatives:

Seeing relatives in dreams is usually associated with family and relationships. This dream may indicate that the importance of family has increased in our lives and that we value our relationships. Additionally, seeing relatives in dreams can provide insights into the joys and problems related to them. If we see our relatives happy in a dream, it could be a sign of happiness and harmonious relationships within our family.

Dreaming of Festivals:

Dreaming of festivals symbolizes our feelings of joy and enthusiasm. It indicates extraordinary and exciting events. When we dream of festivals, it signifies that our lives are filled with happy occasions or preparations for celebrations. This indicates a social and entertaining atmosphere around us and a sense of well-being.

Dreaming of Death:

Dreaming of death can symbolize sadness, changing dynamics, or transitions. If we see death in a dream, it may indicate the possibility of change and flaws in our lives. It reminds us to pay attention to our emotions, thoughts, and actions and strive to keep them balanced.

Dreaming of Fire:

Seeing fire in a dream can symbolize extraordinary and enthusiastic events. Fire in dreams can have various meanings, such as enthusiasm, energy, or transformation. Additionally, fire can represent purity and hard work. Therefore, if we see fire in a dream, it gives us enthusiasm and inspiration to progress towards our goals and work hard.

Dreaming of Nature:

When nature appears in dreams, it brings a sense of peace, tranquility, and balance to our minds. Seeing nature in dreams is a positive sign that reminds us of the importance of the natural environment. It also provides an opportunity to understand the significance of natural beauty, health, and safety.

Dreaming about a physical body part can symbolize aspects related to our physical health, emotions, and feelings. When we see a specific body part in a dream, it can provide indications about the well-being, comfort, or issues related to that body part. It reminds us to take care of our physical health, dedicate time to the development and balance of that body part.

Dreaming about a building or structure:

Dreaming about any type of building or structure can be interpreted as a symbol of abundance, security, and prosperity. When we see a building in a dream, it signifies success, wealth, and the attainment of a comfortable position. It inspires us to be forward-looking, explore new places, and seize new opportunities for personal and financial growth. It tells us that we should strive towards our goals, overcome challenges, and achieve our dreams.

Dreaming about metal:

Dreaming about metal can symbolize wealth, success, and financial progress. When we see metal in a dream, it indicates the potential for acquiring wealth, prosperity, and success. It also signifies the need for hard work, consistency, and maintaining honesty and integrity in our speech and thoughts.

Dreaming about a vehicle:

Dreaming about a vehicle represents travel, progress, and experience. When we see a vehicle in a dream, it signifies moving forward, exploring new places, and benefiting from new material and financial opportunities. It encourages us to make use of our abilities, have determination towards our goals, and make progress.

Seeing a specific person:

Seeing a specific person in a dream can provide insights into the environment, relationships, and influence surrounding us. When we see a particular person in a dream, it helps us understand their qualities, actions, and accomplishments related to them. It suggests that we should learn from that person, seek inspiration from them, and make efforts to cooperate with them.

Falling of Vermilion (sindoor):

According to omenology, if vermilion falls repeatedly from a woman’s hand, it can be an inauspicious sign. It indicates the possibility of discord with the life partner.

Falling of Mustard Oil:

In astrology, the falling of mustard oil from the hand is considered highly inauspicious. It signifies that Saturn (Shani Dev) is displeased with you. If mustard oil falls from the hand, it indicates the possibility of an accident. So be cautious.

Falling of Salt:

According to omenology, if salt falls from the hand, it is considered an inauspicious sign. As per omenology, it indicates that there may be problems with the Moon and Venus in your horoscope. Falling of salt suggests troubles in a married person’s life.

Falling of Puja Thali:

According to omenology, if the puja thali falls from the hand, it is considered an inauspicious sign. As per omenology, it indicates that the deities are displeased with you. In such cases, a person may not receive the complete benefits of the worship.

Falling of Milk:

According to omenology, if milk falls from a vessel, it is considered an inauspicious sign. This indicates that your Moon (Chandra) period is unfavorable. Additionally, the falling of milk signifies financial loss. It suggests obstacles in important tasks and can also indicate a period of financial difficulties.

When a lizard falls on a specific body part, it can have different positive and negative outcomes.

If a lizard falls on a woman’s left side, it is considered auspicious, indicating the attainment of a positive outcome.

If a lizard falls on a woman’s right side, it is considered inauspicious.

According to omenology, when a lizard falls on the left side of a woman’s forehead, it creates the possibility of financial gains in the near future.

When a lizard falls on the hair, it is considered inauspicious. It indicates the possibility of receiving unfavorable news or negative outcomes in the upcoming times.

According to omenology, if a lizard is seen in homes during Diwali, it is considered highly auspicious. It is believed that lizards represent Goddess Lakshmi, and their presence brings wealth and prosperity to the household.

It is said that if a lizard is seen in homes on the night of Diwali, there will be no shortage of money throughout the coming year. The household will remain filled with happiness and peace, and there will be a constant flow of prosperity in life.

When the sound of a lizard is heard while eating, it is considered a good omen. It is believed that you will receive some good news soon or experience positive outcomes.

If a lizard is seen doing an intercourse , it indicates that you are likely to meet an old friend.


Snake (sapne me saap dekhna):

Seeing a snake in a dream can have various interpretations based on personal beliefs, cultural symbolism, and emotions associated with snakes. Some common interpretations include:

  • Rahu and Ketu’s influence:
  • Dreams about snakes are often associated with the influence of Rahu and Ketu. This influence can indicate obstacles and challenges in your life’s activities and progress.
  • Kal Sarpa Dosha:
  • Snakes in dreams can also be associated with Kal Sarpa Dosha. This is an astrological condition based on the position of Rahu and Ketu in a person’s birth chart. It is believed to bring hindrances, delays, and difficulties in a person’s life.
  • Dreaming of killing a snake: Dreaming of killing a snake is often interpreted as a symbol of power, struggle, victory, and protection. Additionally, here are some other possible interpretations of dreaming about killing a snake:
  • Achievement of victory: Dreaming of killing a snake can indicate the attainment of victory and overcoming challenges. It suggests that you are progressing towards success in your life and overcoming obstacles.
  • Self-defense: The dream of killing a snake can remind you of the importance of self-defense. It indicates that you are determined to protect yourself from danger and threats.
  • Closure and transformation: Killing a snake in dreams often symbolizes the end of an old phase or situation and the beginning of something new. It represents closure and transformation.
  • Seeing a group of snakes (Sapne me saanp ka jhund dekhna): Unity and organization: The sight of a group of snakes can also symbolize unity, organization, and a military perspective. It shows that you are gathering in a specific endeavor and collaborating.
  • Wealth and prosperity: The sight of a group of snakes can also be interpreted as a symbol of wealth, abundance, and prosperity. It indicates an improvement in your financial situation or unexpected financial gains.

Challenging situation or fear: In many instances, the sight of a group of snakes can also represent a challenging situation, fear, or imminent danger. It serves as a warning to be cautious of difficult circumstances.

Dreaming of a black snake (Sapne me kala Sanp dekhna): Fear and negativity: A black snake in a dream often symbolizes fear or negativity. It can indicate an impending or existing threatening situation.

Power and dominance: A black snake can also be interpreted as a symbol of power, dominance, and uniqueness. It suggests that you possess influential qualities and may have impactful traits.

Obstacles and distress: Dreaming of a black snake can sometimes signify obstacles, distress, or difficulties in your life. It alerts you to be vigilant about challenging situations.

Depth and spirituality: The sight of a black snake in dreams can represent your spirituality, inner depth, and mystical energy. It indicates that you may possess profound knowledge and spiritual sensitivity.

Dreaming of a brown snake (Sapne me Bhura Sanp Dekhna): Power and protection: A brown snake is often interpreted as a symbol of power, strength, and protection. It indicates stability, security, and progress in your life.

Passion and inspiration: The sight of a brown snake can also symbolize passion, inspiration, and enthusiasm. It suggests that you have a source of energy and motivation and are driven to achieve.

Emergent situations: Dreaming of a brown snake is sometimes associated with urgent situations, difficulties, or challenges. It can be a sign of sudden or critical circumstances, requiring your attention and alertness.

Internal transformation: The interpretation of dreaming about a brown snake often relates to internal changes and significant shifts in your life. It signifies that you are amidst substantial transformations, and the circumstances around you are evolving.

Dreaming of catching a snake in your hand:

This dream can symbolize fear, danger, or even a sense of guilt. It may indicate that you are facing a fearful situation or the possibility of committing an offense. On the other hand, catching a snake in your hand can also be interpreted as a sign of self-confidence, success, and progress. It suggests that you are achieving success in your endeavors and have confidence in your abilities.

Dreaming of talking to a dead person:

Interpretations of dreaming about talking to a dead person often relate to ancestral or spiritual connections. It may suggest that you need to connect with your spiritual experiences or seek guidance from ancient ancestors.

It can also symbolize spiritual leadership and enlightenment. This dream indicates a need to align yourself with inner development and knowledge sources.

Additionally, it can be interpreted as a symbol of inheritance, old memories, and thoughts connected to ancestors. It suggests that you have the support of your ancestors’ wealth and ideology.

Alternatively, dreaming of talking to a dead person can sometimes signify obstacles, troubling situations, or the need to be cautious in challenging circumstances.

Dreaming of a snake running away:

According to dream interpretation, seeing a snake running away in a dream can represent freedom, liberation, and the ability to overcome critical situations. It indicates that you should overcome challenging circumstances by using your power and resourcefulness.

It can also signify fear and danger. Dreaming of a snake running away can be a warning to remain vigilant in potentially dangerous or unsettling situations and to develop the capacity to handle conflicts.

Dreaming of a dead person giving advice:

Interpretations of dreaming about receiving advice from a dead person often suggest connections with ancestors or impressed spirits. It indicates that you have the support of your ancestors’ experiences and messages, and you may need their advice and guidance.

It can also symbolize inner knowledge, inspiration, and spiritual growth. This dream suggests that you need to connect with spiritual relationships and internal knowledge, which may provide you with inspiration to move forward.

Moreover, dreaming of a dead person giving advice can indicate sadness, the need for thoughts, or emotional disturbances. It suggests that you are becoming sensitive to your inner existence and need to contemplate on your mental state and inner balance.

Farewell and mourning can also be associated with dreaming of a dead person giving advice. It suggests that significant changes are approaching in your life, which you should accept with deep emotions.

Dreaming of a deceased person appearing sad:

According to dream interpretation, if a deceased person appears in your dream and seems sad, with tears or a sorrowful expression, it may indicate that some of their desires or wishes remain unfulfilled, and they are saddened by not achieving spiritual liberation (moksha). In such cases, fulfilling the deceased person’s last wish is considered a way to bring peace to their soul. If the last wish is unknown, it is recommended to donate money, clothing, or shoes to a needy or underprivileged person as a gesture to bring peace to their soul. If you do not wish to perform this action, you can inform a living family member of the deceased person about the dream and suggest that they do something for the tranquility of the departed soul.

Dreaming of a Shiva Lingam:

According to dream interpretation, seeing a Shiva Lingam in a dream symbolizes victory, the end of troubles and problems, and financial gains. The appearance of a Shiva Lingam signifies the elimination of all negativity. If you have been facing challenges for a long time and you see a Shiva Lingam in your dream, it indicates that a favorable time is about to begin. It can also be a sign of wealth and prosperity.

Dreaming of a Monkey Laughing:

According to dream interpretation, if a person sees a monkey laughing in their dream, it signifies the beginning of a good time. It suggests that the person will experience financial gains and an increase in social status.

Dreaming of a Group of Monkeys:

According to dream interpretation, if a person sees a group of monkeys in their dream, it indicates that they will soon receive financial benefits. It also suggests that there will be happiness and peace within the family.

Dreaming of Seeing a Lion:

According to dream interpretation, seeing a lion in your dream indicates an increase in your strength in the upcoming days. It implies that you may achieve a position of authority and victory over your enemies.

Dreaming of a Pair of Lions:

According to dream interpretation, if you see a pair of lions in your dream, it could be a positive sign indicating a happy married life. Additionally, if the dream includes lion cubs, it may symbolize sudden career growth or a job change. It suggests that there might be opportunities for new jobs or promotions. It also indicates the potential for success in romantic relationships or the possibility of marriage.

Dreaming of Being Bitten by a Snake:

According to dream interpretation, if someone is bitten by a snake in their dream, it could indicate the possibility of a serious illness in the near future. It is advised to be cautious during this time. Alternatively, if a snake is chasing you in the dream but does not bite you, it suggests that a major problem in your life is about to end, and you may achieve significant success.

Dreaming of Seeing Snake Fangs:

According to dream interpretation, if you see a snake with its mouth open, revealing its fangs, it is considered a negative sign. It suggests that something very unfavorable may happen to you in the near future. You should be cautious as someone may deceive you, or you may face significant financial loss in your business.

Dreaming of a Lizard:

According to dream interpretation, seeing a lizard in a dream is generally considered unfavorable. It indicates the possibility of unfavorable circumstances arising. If you see a lizard entering your home in the dream, it suggests that some trouble may come to your home. However, killing a lizard in the dream is considered auspicious.

Dreaming of Killing a Snake:

According to dream interpretation, if you see yourself killing a snake in a dream, it is considered a positive sign. It signifies that you will overcome a significant obstacle in the near future, and you will achieve victory over your enemies. A long-pending task or project may finally be completed.

Dreaming of Rain:

According to dream interpretation, seeing rain in a dream is considered an auspicious sign. It indicates that a major obstacle in your life is about to be resolved.

Dreaming of Heavy Rainfall:

According to dream interpretation, heavy rainfall is considered extremely auspicious. It indicates that a major obstacle in your life is about to be resolved.

Dreaming of Pouring Rain:

According to dream interpretation, seeing heavy pouring rain in a dream suggests that your future will be very joyful.

Dreaming of Multiple Snakes Together:

According to dream interpretation, if you see multiple snakes together in your dream, it is considered very inauspicious. It is said that such dreams indicate that you will be surrounded by various problems in real life. Your financial situation may worsen, and many tasks may remain incomplete.

Dreaming of a Dog:

According to dream interpretation, a dog is considered a symbol of loyalty and complete dedication towards its owner. It always understands their joys and sorrows and responds accordingly. Dreaming of a dog in different situations can have different meanings.

Dreaming of a crying dog:

According to dream interpretation, this could indicate that bad news is on the way.

Dreaming of a dog coming towards you from a distance:

According to dream interpretation, this suggests that you will soon meet an old friend. It may also indicate that you are feeling lonely in your life and searching for a companion.

Dreaming of multiple dogs together:

According to dream interpretation, this signifies that you need your family’s presence and should spend more time with them. If there are strained relationships within the family, it is advisable to make efforts to mend them.

Dreaming of an angry dog:

According to dream interpretation, this indicates that someone you trust may betray you. It could also suggest a potential disagreement or conflict with that person, leading you to avoid them. This dream may indicate the presence of hidden enemies.

Dreaming of dogs fighting:

According to dream interpretation, this is considered inauspicious. It suggests that you may face opposition or competition from adversaries. To overcome them, you will need to put in more effort and hard work.

Dreaming of a mad dog:

According to dream interpretation, this suggests that you may need to work harder in important matters, or else you may not achieve success. If students have this dream, it indicates the need for concentration in studies or competitive exams.

Dreaming of a dog chasing a cat:

According to dream interpretation, this is considered a sign of disappointment in love matters. It advises you to avoid conflicts. However, if the dream involves a dog biting you, it is considered auspicious. This dream implies that your ongoing problems will come to an end, but you still need to proceed with caution and continue working diligently.

Dreaming of a dog licking you:

According to dream interpretation, this is considered an auspicious sign. It suggests that you will receive assistance from needy individuals. Difficult times will be resolved with the help of loved ones and friends, leading to the beginning of good times.

Dreaming of a fish:

According to dream interpretation, dreaming of a fish indicates that you may soon hear good news. It is also considered an auspicious sign for the start of a new venture. The interpretation of the dream depends on the type of fish seen. Seeing a golden fish signifies love and respect being received.

Dreaming of an elephant:

According to dream interpretation, dreaming of an elephant is considered auspicious. It indicates that you will soon receive honor and respect. If you see yourself riding an elephant, it suggests that you will soon achieve progress in your job or business.

Dreaming of your own wedding:

According to dream interpretation, dreaming of your own wedding is not considered auspicious. It signifies a signal towards an upcoming event in the future. If you dream of your own wedding, it is advisable to be cautious.

Dreaming of a friend’s wedding:

According to dream interpretation, if you witness a friend’s or relative’s wedding in your dream, it is also not considered a good sign. This dream indicates that obstacles may arise in your ongoing work.

Dreaming of seeing someone in a bridal attire:

If you see a woman in bridal attire in your dream, it is considered very auspicious. According to dream interpretation, it suggests that you will soon experience immense happiness in your life.

Dreaming of witnessing your own wedding again:

According to dream interpretation, if you dream of witnessing your own wedding again, it holds a significant meaning. This dream indicates that you are not happy with your marriage. It also suggests a possible hurdle in your married life.

Dreaming of your own wedding procession:

Dreaming of your own wedding procession is considered very auspicious. It suggests that your social circle will expand, bringing you benefits in the future.

Dreaming of seeing a cat:

Dreaming of seeing a cat is considered auspicious, indicating financial gain.

Here some common dreams and their meaning are given :

  1. Dreaming of a walnut – Financial growth
  2. Dreaming doing Shit(Potty)- Money Gain
  3. Dreaming of grains – Worry or anxiety
  4. Eating a sweet pomegranate – Financial gain
  5. Encountering a stranger – Premonition of an unfavorable event
  6. Consuming carom seeds (ajwain) – Health benefits
  7. Seeing a teacher – Sign of success
  8. Witnessing darkness – Adversity
  9. Dreaming of blindness – Obstacles in work
  10. Observing an Apsara (celestial nymph) – Acquisition of wealth and prestige
  11. Witnessing a funeral procession – Financial gains
  12. Eating guava – Financial prosperity
  13. Eating pineapple – Temporary troubles followed by relief
  14. Consuming ginger – Respect and honor
  15. Eating pomegranate leaves – Impending marriage
  16. Seeing an Amaltas (Indian laburnum) flower – Jaundice or related illness
  17. Witnessing a pigeon pea (arhar) – Auspicious
  18. Consuming pigeon pea – Stomach pain
  19. Seeing colocasia leaves (arbi) – Headache or stomach ache
  20. Witnessing a closed cupboard – Financial gain
  21. Seeing an open cupboard – Financial loss
  22. Eating grapes – Health benefits
  23. Seeing a bandage – Risk of injury
  24. Flying in the sky – Success
  25. An attack by another person – Long life
  26. Seeing a severed body part – Health benefits
  27. Donating body parts – Bright future or receiving rewards
  28. Cutting a finger – Family conflicts
  29. Witnessing a hearse – Auspicious family events
  30. Seeing darkness – Adversity
  31. Experiencing eye problems – Vision-related issues
  32. Seeing oneself alone – Long journey
  33. Reading or buying a newspaper – Arguments or debates
  34. Eating or preparing pickles – Headache or stomach ache
  35. Smoking a cigarette – Unfortunate news
  36. Becoming the president – Loss of reputation
  37. Seeing a half-moon – Support from a woman
  38. Experiencing a new moon – Freedom from sorrow and difficulties
  39. Seeing incense sticks – Religious rituals
  40. Burning incense sticks – Accident
  41. Offering incense sticks – Auspicious.
  42. Dreaming of reading illegible letters – Receiving sad news
  43. Dreaming of a burning ring – Inauspicious
  44. Dreaming of an extinguished ring – Auspicious
  45. Dreaming of seeing strange objects – Indication of loved one’s arrival
  46. Dreaming of a mirror – Desire fulfillment
  47. Dreaming of seeing one’s face in the mirror – Job-related troubles
  48. Dreaming of the sky – Attaining a higher position
  49. Dreaming of seeing oneself in the sky – Sign of a good journey
  50. Dreaming of seeing oneself falling from the sky – Loss in business
  51. Dreaming of fire – Improper acquisition of wealth
  52. Dreaming of cooking food with fire – Financial gain, progress in job
  53. Dreaming of clothes catching fire – Multiple sorrows, eye-related ailment
  54. Dreaming of becoming free – Freedom from various worries
  55. Dreaming of potatoes – Abundant food
  56. Dreaming of Indian gooseberries (amla) – Unfulfilled desires
  57. Dreaming of eating Indian gooseberries (amla) – Fulfillment of desires
  58. Dreaming of figs – Attainment of contentment
  59. Dreaming of a mirror image – Physical distress
  60. Dreaming of hugging a woman – Attaining sensual pleasure
  61. Dreaming of hugging a man – Indication of betrayal by spouse
  62. Dreaming of embracing a man – Increase in animosity
  63. Dreaming of embracing a woman – Acquisition of wealth
  64. Dreaming of committing suicide or witnessing it – Long life
  65. Dreaming of wandering aimlessly – Freedom from various worries
  66. Dreaming of wearing upside-down clothes – Disgrace
  67. Dreaming of seeing brightness – Sign of future success
  68. Dreaming of seeing bright clothes – Increase in honor, marriage
  69. Dreaming of rising and falling – Increase in struggles
  70. Dreaming of tangled hair or threads – Increase in troubles
  71. Dreaming of a needle – Loss of wealth, fear of theft
  72. Dreaming of an abandoned place – Long-distance journey
  73. Dreaming of applying or writing an application – Long journey
  74. Dreaming of an ashram – Loss in business
  75. Dreaming of flour – Completion of work
  76. Dreaming of eating ice cream – Attainment of peace and happiness
  77. Dreaming of eating tamarind – Auspicious for women, inauspicious for men
  78. Dreaming of eating idli with accompaniments – Cooperation from everyone
  79. Dreaming of the theft of the favored deity’s idol – Equivalent to death-like suffering
  80. Dreaming of reading an advertisement – Deception, theft
  81. Dreaming of using perfume – Acquisition of good fruit, increase in honor and respect
  82. Dreaming of a building – Increase in honor, financial gain
  83. Dreaming of bricks – Troubles will arise
  84. Dreaming of a running engine – A journey is imminent, beware of enemies
  85. Dreaming of a rainbow – Increase in troubles, financial loss
  86. Dreaming of a brick-shaped object – Troublesome situation
  87. Dreaming of a betel leaf-shaped object – Family conflict
  88. Dreaming of a bird-shaped object – Home-related troubles, indication of a guest’s arrival
  89. Dreaming of an owl – Sign of sorrow
  90. Dreaming of yawning – Obtaining sorrow
  91. Dreaming of wearing inverted clothes – Dishonor
  92. Dreaming of seeing light – Sign of future success
  93. Dreaming of seeing bright clothes – Increase in honor, marriage
  94. Dreaming of getting up and falling – Increase in struggles
  95. Dreaming of tangled hair or threads – Increase in troubles
  96. Dreaming of a spindle – Financial loss, fear of theft
  97. Dreaming of darkness – Long journey
  98. Dreaming of fireworks – Inauspicious indication
  99. Dreaming of being sad – Receiving good news
  100. Dreaming of taking or giving a loan – Sign of financial gain
  101. Dreaming of seeing oneself flying – Serious accident warning
  102. Dreaming of walnuts – Financial growth
  103. Dreaming of grains – Worry
  104. Dreaming of eating pomegranate (sweet) – Wealth
  105. Dreaming of meeting a stranger – Premonition of misfortune
  106. Dreaming of consuming carom seeds – Health benefits
  107. Dreaming of seeing a teacher – Success
  108. Dreaming of darkness – Calamity
  109. Dreaming of blindness – Obstacle in work
  110. Dreaming of seeing celestial nymphs (apsaras) – Attainment of wealth and honor
  111. Dreaming of a funeral procession – Financial gain
  112. Dreaming of eating guava – Wealth and child’s happiness
  113. Dreaming of eating pineapple – Initial troubles followed by relief
  114. Dreaming of eating ginger – Respect and honor
  115. Dreaming of eating pomegranate leaves – Impending marriage
  116. Dreaming of Indian laburnum (amaltas) flowers – Jaundice or itching disease
  117. Dreaming of seeing arhar (pigeon pea) – Auspicious
  118. Dreaming of eating arhar (pigeon pea) – Stomach ache
  119. Dreaming of seeing arbi (colocasia) – Headache or stomach ache
  120. Dreaming of a closed cupboard – Financial gain
  121. Dreaming of an open cupboard – Financial loss
  122. Dreaming of eating grapes – Health benefits
  123. Dreaming of seeing a bodyguard – Risk of injury
  124. Dreaming of oneself flying in the sky – Achievement of success
  125. Dreaming of being attacked by someone – Longevity
  126. Dreaming of body parts being cut off – Health benefits
  127. Dreaming of donating body parts – Bright future, rewards
  128. Dreaming of cutting a finger – Family conflicts
  129. Dreaming of sucking a ring finger – Dispute over family property
  130. Dreaming of seeing a funeral – Auspicious events in the family
  131. Dreaming of seeing bones – Relief from trouble
  132. Dreaming of seeing kohl – Eye problems
  133. Dreaming of seeing oneself alone – Long journey
  134. Dreaming of reading or buying a newspaper – Arguments, conflicts
  135. Dreaming of eating or making pickles – Headache, stomach ache
  136. Dreaming of playing cards – Sad news
  137. Dreaming of becoming a president – Loss of respect
  138. Dreaming of studying – Failure
  139. Dreaming of being kidnapped – Long life
  140. Dreaming of being proud – Being humiliated
  141. Dreaming of a crescent moon – Cooperation with a woman
  142. Dreaming of a new moon – Relief from sorrow and distress
  143. Dreaming of seeing incense sticks – Religious rituals
  144. Dreaming of burning incense sticks – Accident
  145. Dreaming of offering incense sticks – Auspicious
  146. Dreaming of reading unreadable letters – Sad news
  147. Dreaming of a burning ring – Inauspicious
  148. Dreaming of an extinguished ring – Auspicious
  149. Dreaming of seeing strange objects – Sign of loved one’s arrival
  150. Dreaming of seeing a mirror – Desire fulfillment
  151. Dreaming of seeing one’s face in the mirror – Work trouble, job dissatisfaction
  152. Dreaming of seeing the sky – Attainment of high position
  153. Dreaming of seeing oneself in the sky – Sign of a good journey
  154. Dreaming of seeing oneself falling from the sky – Loss in business
  155. Dreaming of seeing fire – Attaining wealth in an improper way
  156. Dreaming of cooking food with fire – Financial gain, job promotion
  157. Dreaming of clothes burning with fire – Multiple sorrows, eye problems
  158. Dreaming of being set free – Liberation from various worries
  159. Dreaming of seeing a potato – Abundant food
  160. Dreaming of seeing an amla (Indian gooseberry) – Unfulfilled desires
  161. Dreaming of eating an amla (Indian gooseberry) – Fulfillment of desires
  162. Dreaming of seeing a peach – Attainment of happiness
  163. Dreaming of seeing a mirror – Physical distress
  164. Dreaming of embracing a woman – Attaining physical pleasure
  165. Dreaming of embracing a man – Indication of infidelity by spouse
  166. Dreaming of embracing a woman by a woman – Gain in wealth, financial prosperity
  167. Dreaming of committing suicide or witnessing it – Long life
  168. Dreaming of wandering – Financial gain
  169. Dreaming of seeing a sari – Victory in competitions
  170. Dreaming of wiping tears with a corner of a sari – Good times ahead
  171. Dreaming of hiding one’s face in the corner of a sari – Gaining respect and equality
  172. Dreaming of a moving cart – Quick resolution of troubles
  173. Dreaming of a stopped cart – Indication of new troubles
  174. Dreaming of applying or writing an application – Long journey
  175. Dreaming of seeing an ashram – Loss in business
  176. Dreaming of seeing flour – Completion of a task
  177. Dreaming of a running engine – Traveling, beware of enemies
  178. Dreaming of seeing a rainbow – Increase in troubles, financial loss
  179. Dreaming of seeing a brick – Troublesome situation
  180. Dreaming of seeing a brick of betel leaf – Family troubles
  181. Dreaming of seeing a brick of tamarind – Arrival of a guest
  182. Dreaming of an owl – Sign of sorrow
  183. Dreaming of yawning – Encounter with sorrow
  184. Dreaming of wearing short clothes – Enduring humiliation, facing troubles
  185. Dreaming of wearing long clothes – Severe crisis approaching
  186. Dreaming of tying a knot – Financial loss, fear of theft
  187. Dreaming of tying a turban – Financial loss, fear of theft
  188. Dreaming of seeing a star – Achievement of success in the future
  189. Dreaming of seeing bright clothes – Increase in respect, marriage
  190. Dreaming of rising and falling – Increase in struggle
  191. Dreaming of tangled hair or thread – Increase in troubles
  192. Dreaming of a spindle – Financial loss, fear of theft
  193. Dreaming of a high platform – Insult, humiliation
  194. Dreaming of seeing oneself flying – Serious accident warning
  195. Dreaming of jumping – Receiving sad news
  196. Dreaming of seeing oneself flying high – Sign of success in the future
  197. Dreaming of seeing oneself flying low – Loss, financial setback
  198. Dreaming of seeing oneself with disheveled hair – Financial loss, fear of theft
  199. Dreaming of seeing oneself with disheveled clothes – Financial loss, fear of theft
  200. Dreaming of a spinning wheel – Financial loss, fear of theft
  201. Dreaming of seeing a peacock – Increase in sorrows, fear of theft
  202. Dreaming of seeing an owl – Sign of sorrow
  203. Dreaming of seeing a well – Gain of wealth, construction of a house
  204. Dreaming of digging a grave – Acquiring wealth, building a house
  205. Dreaming of committing murder – Good dream
  206. Dreaming of seeing oneself shorter in height – Enduring humiliation, facing troubles
  207. Dreaming of seeing oneself taller in height – Heavy crisis coming
  208. Dreaming of making a promise – Grief of children
  209. Dreaming of a beautiful woman – Happiness and wealth in one’s life
  210. Dreaming of talking to a woman – Increase in social respect
  211. Dreaming of an old woman laughing – Attainment of happiness and prosperity
  212. Dreaming of an old woman – Wealth, property, and social benefits
  213. Dreaming of talking to an old woman – Increase in social respect
  214. Dreaming of a young woman – Happiness and wealth in one’s life
  215. Dreaming of speaking to a young woman – Increase in social respect
  216. Dreaming of wearing glasses – Attainment of knowledge, happiness, and respect
  217. Dreaming of seeing a medicine – Associating with bad company
  218. Dreaming of seeing an old woman – Wealth, property, and social benefits
  219. Dreaming of talking to an old woman – Increase in social respect
  220. Dreaming of wearing glasses – Attainment of knowledge, happiness, and respect
  221. Dreaming of seeing a widow – Unexpected monetary gain
  222. Dreaming of seeing a beggar – Gain of money, property, and respect
  223. Dreaming of seeing a Brahmin – Increase in respect, prosperity, and spiritual progress
  224. Dreaming of seeing a cow – Happiness, prosperity, and spiritual progress
  225. Dreaming of seeing a cat – Gain of wealth and happiness, victory over enemies
  226. Dreaming of seeing a dog – Gain of wealth, happiness, and victory over enemies
  227. Dreaming of seeing a donkey – Financial loss, fear of theft, and insult
  228. Dreaming of seeing a buffalo – Financial gain, happiness, and prosperity
  229. Dreaming of seeing an elephant – Gain of wealth, power, and authority
  230. Dreaming of seeing a frog – Gain of wealth, success in business, and elimination of enemies
  231. Dreaming of seeing a horse – Financial gain, success, and victory over enemies
  232. Dreaming of seeing a lion – Gain of wealth, power, authority, and victory over enemies
  233. Dreaming of seeing a monkey – Gain of wealth, success in business, and happiness
  234. Dreaming of seeing a peacock – Gain of wealth, fame, and happiness
  235. Dreaming of seeing a snake – Financial gain, success, and victory over enemies
  236. Dreaming of seeing a tortoise – Financial gain, long life, and victory over enemies
  237. Dreaming of seeing a tiger – Gain of wealth, power, authority, and victory over enemies
  238. Dreaming of seeing a cowrie shell – Financial gain, success, and victory over enemies
  239. Dreaming of seeing a conch shell – Financial gain, success, and victory over enemies
  240. Dreaming of seeing a lotus – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  241. Dreaming of seeing a pearl – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  242. Dreaming of seeing a ruby – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  243. Dreaming of seeing a sapphire – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  244. Dreaming of seeing a diamond – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  245. Dreaming of seeing a gold coin – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  246. Dreaming of seeing a silver coin – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  247. Dreaming of seeing a copper coin – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  248. Dreaming of seeing a brass coin – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  249. Dreaming of seeing a bronze coin – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  250. Dreaming of seeing a utensil made of gold – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  251. Dreaming of seeing a utensil made of silver – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  252. Dreaming of seeing a utensil made of copper – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  253. Dreaming of seeing a utensil made of brass – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  254. Dreaming of seeing a utensil made of bronze – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  255. Dreaming of seeing a star – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  256. Dreaming of seeing the moon – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  257. Dreaming of seeing the sun – Gain of wealth, success, and victory over enemies
  258. Dreaming of seeing a lotus stem – Pleasure and joy in pure food
  259. Dreaming of seeing cotton – Happiness and prosperity
  260. Dreaming of eating curry – Marriage with a widow or widower
  261. Dreaming of a dagger – Indication of completion of a religious task
  262. Dreaming of seeing ears – Auspicious news
  263. Dreaming of ears being cut – Separation from loved ones
  264. Dreaming of seeing a black dog – Success in work
  265. Dreaming of seeing a counter – Profit in transactions
  266. Dreaming of seeing a black cat – Good news
  267. Dreaming of seeing a yellow cat – Inauspicious news
  268. Dreaming of seeing a blind person – Not a favorable time
  269. Dreaming of seeing a worm – Symbol of strength
  270. Dreaming of seeing a potter – Good news
  271. Dreaming of seeing a koel (bird) – Peace in married life
  272. Dreaming of seeing a banana – Good news or happiness
  273. Dreaming of a pair of scissors – Unnecessary arguments or disputes
  274. Dreaming of seeing a mansion – Sorrow
  275. Dreaming of seeing coal – Unhappiness due to being trapped in a love affair
  276. Dreaming of the Quran – Feelings of peace and tranquility
  277. Dreaming of seeing a pen – Attainment of knowledge and wealth
  278. Dreaming of giving a loan – Prosperity
  279. Dreaming of taking a loan – Loss in business
  280. Dreaming of artistic creations – Respect and equality
  281. Dreaming of seeing camphor – Profit in business
  282. Dreaming of seeing a junkyard – Beginning of good times
  283. Dreaming of seeing a pigeon – Meeting with a lover
  284. Dreaming of a dog biting – Defeat of an enemy
  285. Dreaming of seeing an empty chair – Getting a job
  286. Dreaming of seeing a heap of garbage – Gain of wealth after difficulty
  287. Dreaming of seeing a fort – Attainment of happiness
  288. Dreaming of a nail – Division in the family
  289. Dreaming of hitting with a hammer – Progress in business
  290. Dreaming of seeing a blacksmith – Gain of wealth
  291. Dreaming of seeing a coconut – Stomach ache
  292. Dreaming of seeing a tortoise – Auspicious sign
  293. Dreaming of seeing a kiln – Obstruction in work
  294. Dreaming of seeing a spinning wheel – Hard work with less profit
  295. Dreaming of a dog barking – Ridicule by people
  296. Dreaming of jumping from a high place – Failure
  297. Dreaming of becoming shorter in height – Death-like suffering
  298. Dreaming of becoming taller in height – Insult
  299. Dreaming of cutting one’s own head – Feeling ashamed
  300. Dreaming of a graveyard – Disappointment
  301. Dreaming of digging a grave – Construction of a house
  302. Dreaming of seeing a piece of camphor – Profit in business or job
  303. Dreaming of eating cashews – Start of a new business
  304. Dreaming of seeing bloodstains on clothes – Unfounded defamation
  305. Dreaming of wearing a white kurta – Auspicious
  306. Dreaming of wearing clothes of other colors – Inauspicious
  307. Dreaming of sitting on a chair oneself – New position or promotion
  308. Dreaming of someone else sitting on a chair – Insult
  309. Dreaming of digging a well – Gain of wealth, construction of a house
  310. Dreaming of a comb – Tirth Yatra (pilgrimage)
  311. Dreaming of eating a banana – Happiness
  312. Dreaming of seeing a knife – Unfounded arguments or disputes
  313. Dreaming of a kitchen – Financial gain
  314. Dreaming of seeing a spinning wheel – Hard work with less profit
  315. Dreaming of a pot – Wealth, gain
  316. Dreaming of washing clothes – Initial obstacles, followed by profit
  317. Dreaming of bleeding from the head – Feeling humiliated
  318. Dreaming of a cemetery – Disappointment
  319. Dreaming of seeing a spinning wheel – Hard work with less profit
  320. Dreaming of a spinning wheel – Hard work with less profit
  321. Dreaming of a spinning wheel – Hard work with less profit
  322. Dreaming of a spinning wheel – Hard work with less profit
  323. Dreaming of seeing a pot – Wealth, gain
  324. Dreaming of washing clothes – Initial obstacles, followed by profit
  325. Dreaming of bleeding from the head – Feeling humiliated
  326. Dreaming of a cemetery – Disappointment
  327. Dreaming of seeing white clothes – Illness
  328. Dreaming of bloodstains on clothes – Unfounded defamation
  329. Seeing a black cat – Good news
  330. Seeing a yellow cat – Bad news
  331. Seeing a bald person – Unfavorable time
  332. Seeing an insect – Symbol of power
  333. Feeling an itch – Good health
  334. Seeing a bedbug – Struggles in life
  335. Killing a bedbug – Getting rid of difficulties
  336. Seeing a watermelon – Success achieved
  337. Reading a letter – Good news
  338. Seeing a rabbit – Infidelity by a woman
  339. Seeing a mule – Increase in respect
  340. Eating a tick – Financial loss
  341. Seeing blood – Increase in fortune
  342. Seeing blood rain – Famine in the country
  343. Dipping in blood – Indication of acquiring wealth and prosperity
  344. Participating in sports – Bad luck
  345. Seeing a field – Journey, increase in knowledge and wealth
  346. Seeing a field being cut – Discord with wife
  347. Seeing a skull – Success in intellectual work
  348. Seeing a donkey – Finding love
  349. Seeing a loaded donkey – Profit in business
  350. Hearing a donkey braying – Sadness
  351. Riding a donkey – Good news
  352. Seeing a cow – Financial gain
  353. Seeing a yellow or white cow – Sign of an epidemic
  354. Seeing hot water – Fever or other illness
  355. Having a bald head – Passing an exam
  356. Getting scolded – Bad reputation
  357. Performing Gayatri Mantra – Rare and respected dream, increase in honor
  358. Seeing a glass – Reduction in household expenses
  359. Counting – Loss in work
  360. Seeing a gecko – Sign of getting involved in a conflict
  361. Seeing a squirrel – Very auspicious
  362. Seeing a wet object – Indication of a long illness
  363. Seeing a Gita – Rare time
  364. Seeing a rose – Increase in honor
  365. Eating jaggery – Success achieved
  366. Seeing a doll – Sign of early marriage
  367. Eating or throwing away a seed – Indication of a substantial financial gain
  368. Seeing wheat – Hard-earned income
  369. Seeing a ball – Trouble ahead
  370. Seeing a cricket ball – Mental unrest
  371. Seeing a flower of a marigold plant – Auspicious time
  372. Seeing a Gidhar – Fear from an enemy
  373. Applying fragrance – Increase in honor
  374. Disturbed blood – Increase in good fortune
  375. Seeing blood – Financial gain
  376. Seeing blood rain – Drought in the country
  377. Dipping in blood – Indication of acquiring wealth and prosperity
  378. Participating in a game – Misfortune
  379. Seeing a mill – Increase in honor
  380. Seeing leather – Sorrow
  381. Seeing an umbrella – Increase in honor
  382. Eating chutney – Increase in sorrows
  383. Operating a millstone – Machinery malfunction
  384. Wearing slippers – Going on a journey
  385. Seeing a sieve – Loss
  386. Drinking buttermilk – Financial gain
  387. Seeing a printing press – Financial gain
  388. Seeing a student group – Benefit in education
  389. Breaking a bangle – Long life for husband (for a woman)
  390. Seeing a hearth – Excellent food obtained
  391. Eating powder – Benefit during illness
  392. Catching a thief – Indication of wealth acquisition
  393. Getting burned – Increase in honor
  394. Seeing fireworks – Trouble falling upon oneself
  395. Listening to the sound of a bell – Indication of theft
  396. Seeing a clock tower – Bad news
  397. Seeing a riverbank – Indication of going on a pilgrimage
  398. Seeing an injured person – Relief from troubles
  399. Seeing grass – Benefit will be obtained
  400. Seeing ghee – Increase in wealth and prosperity
  401. Kneeling down – Success in arguments or disputes
  402. Hearing the sound of ankle bells – Increase in honor
  403. Seeing a ghunghat – Starting a new business
  404. Seeing a decorated horse – Loss in work
  405. Seeing a black horse – Increase in honor
  406. Riding a horse or elephant – Progress
  407. Seeing a bell tower – Bad news
  408. Seeing a riverbank – Indication of going on a pilgrimage
  409. Seeing an injured person – Relief from troubles
  410. Seeing grass – Benefit will be obtained
  411. Seeing ghee – Increase in wealth and prosperity
  412. Kneeling down – Success in arguments or disputes
  413. Hearing the sound of ankle bells – Increase in honor
  414. Seeing a ghunghat – Starting a new business
  415. Seeing a decorated horse – Loss in work
  416. Seeing a black horse – Increase in honor
  417. Riding a horse or elephant – Progress
  418. Seeing a moving wheel – Progress in business
  419. Wearing slippers – Going on a journey
  420. Seeing a grinding stone – Increase in honor
  421. Seeing leather – Sorrow
  422. Seeing a sieve – Loss
  423. Seeing a well – Loss in property
  424. Seeing an open well – Gain in property
  425. Seeing another person entering the house – Victory over enemies
  426. Seeing fire in the house – Gaining from the government
  427. Seeing a golden house – Indication of fire in the house
  428. Seeing a vacant house – Loss of property
  429. Seeing ruins of a house – Gain in property
  430. Seeing someone else in the house – Victory over enemies
  431. Seeing fire in the house – Gaining from the government
  432. Seeing gold in the house – Fire in the house
  433. Seeing an empty house – Loss of property
  434. Seeing a lock on the door – Accusations will be made
  435. Seeing oneself locked in chains – Freedom from problems
  436. Seeing roots – Auspicious dream
  437. Seeing a volcanic eruption – Premonition of a change of location
  438. Digging the ground – Gain through difficulties
  439. Seeing a forest – Relief from troubles
  440. Seeing a jalebi – Increase in happiness and comforts
  441. Seeing a burning house – Increase in illness or troubles.
  442. Chanting – Victory or success.
  443. Seeing a burning corpse – Good news or positive development.
  444. Seeing or performing magic – Financial loss.
  445. Seeing a spider’s web – Auspicious sign.
  446. Seeing a fishnet – Sign of danger or crisis.
  447. Eating or seeing jamun (blackberry) – Indicates a forthcoming journey.
  448. Seeing a procession – Promotion at work.
  449. Seeing or killing lice – Mental worries.
  450. Being beaten with shoes – Increase in respect and dignity.
  451. Beating oneself with shoes – Gain of respect and honor.
  452. Seeing an empty pocket – Inauspicious.
  453. Seeing a full pocket – Indication of increased expenses.
  454. Seeing a jail – People will laugh at you.
  455. Getting released from jail – Success in your endeavors.
  456. Seeing a joker – Wasting time.
  457. Witnessing an argument – Good news or positive development.
  458. Seeing a cold-water stream – Auspicious.
  459. Seeing a hot-water stream – Indicates illness.
  460. Seeing a white flag or a temple flag – Good news or positive development.
  461. Seeing a green flag – Difficulties during a journey.
  462. Seeing a yellow flag – Indicates illness.
  463. Sweeping with a broom – Indicates theft at home.
  464. Seeing a swing – Happiness in the family.
  465. Seeing an empty tank – Auspicious sign.
  466. Seeing a filled tank – Inauspicious event or incident.
  467. Seeing a white tie – Inauspicious.
  468. Seeing a colored tie – Auspicious.
  469. Making a phone call – Increase in the number of friends.
  470. Taking off a hat – Increase in respect and dignity.
  471. Placing a hat on the head – Disrespect or insult.
  472. Seeing an empty bag – Auspicious sign.
  473. Feeling shivers in the cold – Attain happiness.
  474. Seeing a stick – Beware of enemies.
  475. Playing a drum – Indicates a festive occasion.
  476. Seeing a postal letter – Bad news.
  477. Seeing a postman – Good news.
  478. Seeing a doctor – Disappointment.
  479. Seeing a thief – Financial gain.
  480. Seeing a watermelon – Monetary gain.
  481. Seeing a weighing scale – Fair and unbiased work.
  482. Playing the tabla (musical instrument) – Live a happy life.
  483. Seeing a pillow – Increase in respect and dignity.
  484. Seeing a sword – Victory over enemies.
  485. Seeing an ascetic – Peace of mind.
  486. Eating food from a plate – Good news received.
  487. Giving a divorce – Financial gain.
  488. Slapping someone – Victory over enemies.
  489. Comparing in a weighing scale – Severe illness.
  490. Seeing an empty griddle – Inauspicious sign.
  491. Roasting bread on a griddle – Increase in wealth and property.
  492. Seeing a storeroom or entering it – Indication of going on a pilgrimage.
  493. Seeing copper – Benefits from the government.
  494. Swimming in a pond – Health benefits.
  495. Seeing a lock – Obstacles in ongoing work.
  496. Seeing applause – Troublesome work will be accomplished.
  497. Seeing a horse carriage – Attain happiness and benefits from a ride.
  498. Tying an amulet – Loss in work.
  499. Seeing an amulet – Arrival of an auspicious time.
  500. Playing cards – Quarrel or fight with a friend or neighbor.
  501. Seeing a star – Inauspicious.
  502. Seeing a butterfly – Marriage or meeting with a lover.
  503. Butterfly flying away – Difficulties in married life.
  504. Seeing a mole – Profit in business.
  505. Seeing a crossroad – Argument or fight.
  506. Seeing a trident – Good guidance or direction.
  507. Seeing a triad (three deities) – Getting a government job.
  508. Catching a butterfly – Birth of a child.
  509. Closing a box – Financial gain.
  510. Breaking a box – Improvement in business.
  511. Seeing a closed door – Increase in worries.
  512. Eating yogurt – Monetary gain.
  513. Eating or seeing porridge – Temporary health problems.
  514. Seeing a crack – Damage to the house.
  515. Seeing a swamp – Laziness in work.
  516. Opening a door – Beginning of a new work.
  517. Door falling down – Inauspicious sign.
  518. Giving or receiving alms – Financial loss in business.
  519. Operating a hammer – Increase in wealth.
  520. Seeing a mirror – Mental unrest.
  521. Wearing a handkerchief – Good news.
  522. Taking or giving dowry – Possibility of theft.
  523. Seeing a tailor working – Relief from a court case.
  524. Taking medicine or feeding medicine – Meeting a good friend.
  525. Medicine falling – Recovery from illness.
  526. Breaking a tooth: Auspicious
  527. Seeing toothache: Beginning of a new task
  528. Seeing a beard: Mental distress
  529. Seeing deceased grandparents: Respect and honor
  530. Receiving a donation: Increase in wealth
  531. Giving a donation: Loss of wealth
  532. Witnessing a cremation ritual: Indication of a planned task coming to fruition
  533. Using tooth powder: Relief from troubles
  534. Feeding birds: Profit in business
  535. Seeing a stain: Indicates theft
  536. Seeing a son-in-law: Troubles for the daughter
  537. Seeing a shop: Honor and respect
  538. Selling a shop: Loss of honor
  539. Buying a shop: Financial gain
  540. Shop closing: Increase in difficulties
  541. Seeing a scarf: Improvement in health
  542. Seeing twins: Acquisition of wealth and property
  543. Seeing a two-headed snake: Betrayal by a friend
  544. Extinguishing a lamp: Beginning of a new task
  545. Lighting a lamp: Inauspicious news
  546. Seeing Diwali: Loss in business
  547. Seeing a lamp: Increase in honor and respect
  548. Seeing a bride: Happiness
  549. Opening a shop: Honor and respect
  550. Seeing a washerman: Success in work
  551. Seeing a dhoti: Going on a journey
  552. Getting intoxicated: Increase in wealth
  553. Smelling tobacco: Mental distress
  554. Hearing an explosion: Increase in troubles
  555. Eating datura: Protection from danger
  556. Cilantro appearing green: Need to go on a journey
  557. Seeing a bow: Success in all endeavors
  558. Seeing a stain: Auspicious sign
  559. Constructing a heritage: Loss in business
  560. Witnessing a religious event: Auspicious sign
  561. Making a sketch: Progress in work
  562. Seeing a thread: Increase in work
  563. Seeing a fly whisk: Increase in honor and respect
  564. Seeing smoke: Getting trapped in difficulties
  565. Seeing fog: Auspicious news
  566. Hearing a tune: Distress
  567. Grandeur and festivities: Distress
  568. Seeing dust: Journey
  569. Running: Failure in work
  570. Seeing gods and goddesses (Krishna): Increase in love relationships
  571. Seeing gods and goddesses (Rama): Achieving success
  572. Seeing gods and goddesses (Shiva): Increase in mental peace
  573. Seeing gods and goddesses (Vishnu): Attaining success
  574. Seeing gods and goddesses (Brahma): Favorable time
  575. Seeing gods and goddesses (Hanuman): Destruction of enemies
  576. Seeing gods and goddesses (Durga): Relief from illness
  577. Seeing gods and goddesses (Sita): Initial hardships followed by prosperity
  578. Seeing gods and goddesses (Radha): Physical pleasure
  579. Seeing gods and goddesses (Lakshmi): Attainment of wealth and prosperity
  580. Seeing gods and goddesses (Saraswati): Future happiness
  581. Seeing gods and goddesses (Parvati): Achieving success
  582. Seeing gods and goddesses (Narada): Receiving good news from a distance
  583. Hearing an explosion: Increase in troubles
  584. Eating datura: Protection from danger
  585. Smelling tobacco: Increase in problems
  586. Taking an imitation: Failure in work
  587. Seeing someone imitate: Obstacles in travel
  588. Making a map: Starting new plans
  589. Making smokeless fireworks: Incur enmity
  590. Extinguishing a lamp: Beginning of a new task
  591. Seeing Diwali: Loss in business
  592. Seeing a coconut: Financial gain
  593. Getting hit on the nose: Increase in honor and respect
  594. Seeing a nail: Troubles in work
  595. Bleeding from the nose: Increase in wealth
  596. Participating in a drama: Family happiness
  597. Taking a dip in the river: Prosperity
  598. Falling into a river or drain: Various troubles
  599. Digging a canal: Planning related to work
  600. Smelling fragrance: Increase in honor and respect
  601. Seeing naga (snake) entering the house: Purity of the place
  602. Seeing grandparent: Family happiness
  603. Seeing a drum: Mental happiness
  604. Sniffing snuff: Mental distress
  605. Seeing a river: Auspicious future
  606. Bathing in a river: Success in work
  607. Falling into a river: Happiness after difficulties
  608. Entering a canal: Accumulation of wealth
  609. Exiting a canal: Loss of wealth
  610. Seeing a grandfather clock: Increase in respect
  611. Seeing a long road: Success in work
  612. Sitting in a boat: Numerous difficulties
  613. Getting a haircut from a barber: Deception
  614. Seeing a coconut: Auspicious sign
  615. Seeing a drain: Success in work
  616. Seeing Narada (sage): Financial gain but also arguments
  617. Seeing the navel: Progress and financial gain
  618. Being disrespected: Loss of honor and respect
  619. Aiming at a target: Fulfillment of old desires
  620. Seeing the buttocks: Family happiness
  621. Seeing a neem tree: Recovery from illness
  622. Seeing a sapphire: Receiving good news
  623. Sleeping or waking up from sleep: Financial gain
  624. Seeing a blue throat: Increase in honor and respect
  625. Cutting or squeezing a lemon: Religious activity
  626. Getting injured by a sharp object: Getting involved in disputes and arguments
  627. Seeing a pointed shoe: Increase in honor and respect
  628. Seeing a peacock: End of troubles
  629. Seeing a fairy: Achievement of success
  630. Seeing a mountain: Victory over enemies
  631. Drawing water from a pump: Obstacles in business
  632. Distributing prasad (blessed food): Reduction in illness
  633. Climbing a mountain: Increase in honor and respect
  634. Descending from a mountain: Decline in business
  635. Seeing a foreigner: Fulfillment of desires
  636. Seeing fireworks: Happiness
  637. Seeing a bed: Being humiliated
  638. Seeing an empty well: Invitation from somewhere
  639. Seeing a crowd at a well: Festivities in the family
  640. Seeing the family: Auspicious outcome
  641. Eating cheese: Increase in wealth
  642. Eating papaya: Stomach problems
  643. Seeing a guard: Possibility of theft
  644. Eating sweets: Indication of illness
  645. Seeing a shadow: Inauspicious news
  646. Seeing a turban: Financial loss
  647. Seeing a white curtain: Loss of honor and respect
  648. Seeing a black curtain: Increase in wealth
  649. Seeing a purse: Completion of a secret task
  650. Seeing a wheel: Rapid progress
  651. Seeing a pandal (temporary structure): Participating in a major celebration
  652. Seeing a leaf plate: Auspicious
  653. Seeing a stone or hitting a stone: Gain from the government
  654. Writing a letter: Troubles
  655. Eating onions: Unfortunate event
  656. Hearing praise: Inauspicious
  657. Distributing prasad (blessed food): Auspicious outcome
  658. Seeing an empty bowl: Increase in wealth
  659. Seeing birds in a cage: Family conflict
  660. Eating pizza: Wealth gain
  661. Becoming a priest: Progress in life
  662. Tying a knot: Physical discomfort
  663. Crossing a bridge: Financial gain
  664. Seeing a broken bridge: Relief from difficulties
  665. Sitting for an exam: Failure in work
  666. Flying a kite: Long journey
  667. Reading or teaching: Success in work
  668. Eating a dish or cooking: Increase in sorrows
  669. Seeing a wheel: Successful journey
  670. Seeing water: Prosperity
  671. Drinking water: Increase in wealth
  672. Polishing: Promotion in job
  673. Seeing a betel tree: Increase in offspring
  674. Seeing a mad person: Increase in progress in auspicious work
  675. Seeing a betel leaf box: Increase in friendship
  676. Putting powder: Increase in honor and respect
  677. Seeing Goddess Parvati – Prosperity and happiness.
  678. Hearing the sound of anklets – Separation from a woman.
  679. Seeing coconut – Auspicious sign.
  680. Seeing drain or sewer – Success in work.
  681. Seeing sage Narada – Financial gain but also conflicts.
  682. Seeing navel – Progress and financial gain.
  683. Seeing disrespect – Loss of respect.
  684. Hitting the target – Fulfillment of old desires.
  685. Seeing buttocks – Happiness in married life.
  686. Seeing a neem tree – Recovery from illness.
  687. Seeing a sapphire – Good news received.
  688. Sleeping or waking up from sleep – Financial gain.
  689. Seeing a blue throat – Increase in respect and honor.
  690. Cutting or squeezing a lemon – Religious work.
  691. Getting injured by a pointed object – Getting involved in arguments and disputes.
  692. Seeing a pointed shoe – Respect and honor.
  693. Seeing an Indian plum tree – End of troubles.
  694. Seeing a fairy – Achieving success.
  695. Seeing a mountain – Victory over enemies.
  696. Drawing water from a pump – Obstacles in business.
  697. Distributing prasad – Reduction in illness.
  698. Climbing a mountain – Increase in respect and honor.
  699. Descending from a mountain – Decline in business.
  700. Seeing a foreigner – Fulfillment of desires.
  701. Seeing fireworks – Happiness.
  702. Seeing a bed – Being insulted.
  703. Seeing an empty pot – Receiving an invitation from somewhere.
  704. Seeing a crowd at a fair – Celebration in the family.
  705. Seeing the family – Auspicious outcome.
  706. Eating paneer (cottage cheese) – Increase in wealth.
  707. Eating papaya – Stomach problems.
  708. Seeing a guard – Possibility of theft.
  709. Eating a sweet dish – Prosperity and happiness.
  710. Taking a vow – Delay in marriage.
  711. Seeing trees and plants – Gain in work.
  712. Opening a trunk – Possibility of theft.
  713. Seeing a shadow – Inauspicious news.
  714. Seeing a turban – Financial loss.
  715. Seeing a white curtain – Loss of respect and honor.
  716. Seeing a black curtain – Financial gain.
  717. Seeing a wallet – Completion of a secret task.
  718. Seeing a wheel – Progress in work.
  719. Seeing a tent – Participating in a major festival.
  720. Writing a letter – Troubles.
  721. Eating onions – Unfortunate event.
  722. Hearing praise – Inauspicious.
  723. Distributing prasad – Auspicious outcome.
  724. Making a pizza – Increase in wealth.
  725. Tying a bundle – Physical discomfort.
  726. Making a swing – Hardship for children.
  727. Receiving a parcel – Sudden gain.
  728. Sitting in a palanquin – Health problems.
  729. Seeing a cradle – Family happiness.
  730. Swinging a cradle – Trouble for children.
  731. Receiving a parcel – Auspicious gain.
  732. Seeing Parvati Mata – Prosperity and happiness.
  733. Hearing the sound of anklets – Separation from a woman.
  734. Receiving an incentive – Being insulted.
  735. Sitting in a palanquin – Health problems.
  736. Seeing a cradle – Family happiness.
  737. Seeing a swing – Difficulty for children.
  738. Receiving a parcel – Sudden gain.
  739. Seeing a palanquin – Health problems.
  740. Seeing lightning from the clouds – Inauspicious news
  741. Touching clouds – Increase in wealth
  742. Walking in the market – Good news
  743. Seeing the market – Financial loss
  744. Watching a game of chance – Getting involved in a conspiracy
  745. Eating almonds – Poor health
  746. Seeing almonds – Increase in wealth
  747. Seeing a king – Increase in wealth
  748. Seeing hair being cut – Getting rid of debt
  749. Seeing black hair (on your own head) – More wealth
  750. Seeing white hair (on your own head) – High social status
  751. Seeing hair being cut (on someone else) – Domestic troubles
  752. Seeing hair (on the palms or wrists) – Getting trapped in debt
  753. Seeing hair (on the armpits or below the navel) – Being insulted
  754. Talking excessively – Increase in work
  755. Seeing sand – Financial gains
  756. Sifting sand – Financial troubles
  757. Seeing a scorpion, snake, or a terrifying creature – Obtaining wealth
  758. Seeing a dwarf – Auspicious time
  759. Seeing a storehouse – Financial gains
  760. Seeing a well – Increase in property and buildings
  761. Pretending to be a fortune-teller – Quick marriage
  762. Seeing a brother – Brother’s longevity
  763. Seeing a sister-in-law – Personal distress
  764. Seeing someone running – Relief from troubles
  765. Getting intoxicated – Being humiliated
  766. Seeing a pot – Quarrels and fights
  767. Walking with a spear – Victory over enemies
  768. Killing with a spear – Being humiliated
  769. Demonstrating skills with a spear – Trouble
  770. Seeing a sixth finger in a crowd – Significant benefits
  771. Cutting through a crowd – Sorrow
  772. Seeing okra – Increase in happiness
  773. Seeing a beggar – Good results in work
  774. Getting wet – Increase in happiness and prosperity
  775. Begging or giving alms – Family happiness
  776. Seeing a crowd or walking in it – Incomplete work
  777. Seeing a crowd in an aggressive form – Success in work
  778. Seeing an earthquake – Destruction
  779. Seeing straw – Gaining benefits from animals
  780. Seeing oneself sinking into the ground – Terrible illness
  781. Seeing a fox – Betrayal of trust
  782. Seeing sheep alone – Inauspicious
  783. Seeing a flock of sheep – Profit
  784. Seeing a buffalo – Success in struggle
  785. Seeing a buffalo – Good food
  786. Seeing a mosquito – Financial loss
  787. Seeing a spider – A lot of hard work
  788. Sitting on velvet – Long illness
  789. Seeing a minister – Increase in respect and honor
  790. Seeing a prayer garland – Indication of auspicious time coming
  791. Wearing a garland of flowers – Increase in respect and honor
  792. Engaging in mourning – Increase in happiness
  793. Seeing a gardener – Prosperity in the house
  794. Eating cream – Increase in wealth
  795. Seeing a temple or mosque – Increase in happiness
  796. Seeing a priest in a temple – Domestic troubles
  797. Dying – Increase in wealth
  798. Bathing a corpse – Increase in wealth
  799. Giving something to a corpse – Good news
  800. Eating with a corpse – Good time
  801. Seeing a rooster – Increased foreign trade
  802. Seeing a hen – Happiness in the household
  803. Seeing a cobbler – Beneficial journey
  804. Seeing wax – Compromise in arguments or disputes
  805. Seeing peacocks dancing – Good news
  806. Seeing peacocks and peahens – Increase in marital happiness
  807. Wearing shoes – Love between husband and wife
  808. Seeing candles – Marriage
  809. Seeing a black cat – Wealth increase
  810. Planning – Inauspicious outcome
  811. Practicing yoga postures – Auspicious outcome
  812. Removing a blanket – Receiving wealth
  813. Getting a new blanket made – Change of place
  814. Seeing a torn old blanket – Invitation for auspicious work
  815. Making a plan – Inauspicious result
  816. Doing yoga asanas – Auspicious result
  817. Putting a seal – Increase in wealth
  818. Tearing a blanket – Receiving wealth
  819. Wearing a blanket – Journey required
  820. Eating sweets or distributing them – Turning bad work into good
  821. Seeing ants – Many troubles
  822. Seeing monkeys – Increase in family happiness
  823. Seeing a monkey – Getting involved in a dispute
  824. Seeing a bed – Increase in respect and honor
  825. Seeing a bed with a mosquito net – Financial gain
  826. Seeing a sickle – Increase in wealth
  827. Seeing epilepsy or being affected by it – Increased intelligence
  828. Wearing a yellow thread or seeing one – Increase in business
  829. Wearing green lentils, lentils, or moth beans – Multiple problems
  830. Seeing a sweeper – Profit from animals
  831. Seeing a bee – Financial loss
  832. Seeing a mole – A lot of hard work
  833. Seeing a peacock – Good news
  834. Seeing a peacock and peahen – Increase in marital happiness
  835. Seeing a candle – Marriage
  836. Seeing a mirror – Increased self-esteem
  837. Seeing a cobra – Increase in wealth
  838. Seeing a mirror – Increased self-esteem
  839. Seeing a parrot – Success in foreign trade
  840. Seeing a dog – Happiness in the household
  841. Seeing a honeycomb – Financial loss
  842. Seeing a coconut – Increase in wealth
  843. Seeing a fruit – Increase in happiness and prosperity
  844. Seeing a flag – Victory over enemies
  845. Seeing a well-being tree – Increase in happiness and prosperity
  846. Seeing a spider web – Incomplete work
  847. Seeing a ladder – Financial gains
  848. Seeing a scorpion – Increase in wealth
  849. Seeing a jaggery – Increase in wealth
  850. Seeing a pole – Increase in happiness and prosperity
  851. Seeing a fish – Increase in family happiness
  852. Seeing a pebble – Financial gains
  853. Seeing a lizard – Increase in wealth
  854. Seeing a bee – Financial loss
  855. Seeing a crow – Increase in wealth
  856. Seeing a rat – Financial gains
  857. Seeing a cobbler – Beneficial journey
  858. Seeing a spinning wheel – Relief from troubles
  859. Seeing a millstone – Quarrels or disputes being settled
  860. Seeing a buffalo – Success in struggle
  861. Seeing a pigeon – Good news
  862. Seeing a table – Increase in happiness and prosperity
  863. Seeing a flag – Victory over enemies
  864. Seeing a chariot – Journey required
  865. Seeing a cancellation – Obtaining pending wealth
  866. Applying color – Loss of related item
  867. Providing protection – Increase in respect and honor
  868. Doing stitching – Acquisition of jewelry
  869. Seeing Raksha Bandhan – Financial growth
  870. Seeing a dirty kitchen – Good meal
  871. Seeing a clean kitchen – Financial trouble
  872. Seeing a clear path – Progress
  873. Seeing a twisted and uneven path – Troubles
  874. Seeing ashes – Financial ruin
  875. Seeing a rocket – Increase in wealth and assets
  876. Seeing the night – Distress
  877. Polishing – Loss of related item
  878. Taking defense – Increase in respect and honor
  879. Tying a Rakhi – Increase in respect and honor
  880. Seeing the kitchen – Financial trouble
  881. Seeing the market (clean) – Financial loss
  882. Seeing the market – Being trapped in a conspiracy
  883. Eating garlic – Financial growth
  884. Seeing a monkey – Good news
  885. Seeing a torn cloth – Financial difficulties
  886. Seeing a child in one’s lap (own) – Increase in wealth
  887. Seeing an unknown child in one’s lap – Increased troubles
  888. Fighting with enemies – Discord and unrest in the country and society
  889. Wearing a bridle – Victory over enemies
  890. Using a bridle – Being humiliated
  891. Playing with a spear – Being humiliated
  892. Playing with a spear – Being humiliated
  893. Playing with a spear – Being humiliated
  894. Seeing lentils – Financial and business growth
  895. Seeing a bottle gourd or eating it – Good news
  896. Participating in a farewell ceremony – Progress in business
  897. Seeing an airplane – Financial loss
  898. Seeing or hearing an explosion – Start of a new business, financial loss
  899. Playing the veena (by oneself) – Gaining wealth, grain, and prosperity
  900. Playing the veena – Participating in a mourning ceremony
  901. Seeing a girl in one’s lap (own) – Increase in wealth
  902. Seeing a girl in one’s lap (stranger) – Increased troubles
  903. Fighting – Increase in discord and unrest in the country and society
  904. Seeing a clear road – Increase in respect and honor
  905. Seeing a clean road – Increase in respect and honor
  906. Seeing a curved or uneven road – Trouble
  907. Seeing the city – Financial growth
  908. Seeing the destruction of a city – Vacating a place of residence
  909. Going to a cremation ground – Increase in age
  910. Going to the city – Financial growth
  911. Seeing the destruction of a city – Vacating a place of residence
  912. Walking with a dead body – Increase in fortune
  913. Seeing a dead body – Increase in fortune
  914. Walking with a dead body – Increase in fortune
  915. Seeing the body – Increase in fortune
  916. Seeing a funeral pyre – Increase in wealth
  917. Seeing a dead body – Good news
  918. Seeing or eating roti – Sign of illness
  919. Distributing rotis – Financial gain
  920. Throwing or seeing fallen rotis – Lack of interest in the country
  921. Eating or distributing food in a langar – Increase in wealth
  922. Seeing a langur – Good news
  923. Seeing a torn loincloth – Financial difficulties
  924. Seeing a dirty loincloth – Financial loss
  925. Seeing a white eye – Attainment of good fortune
  926. Seeing a burning lamp – Obstruction in ongoing work
  927. Extinguishing a lamp – Self-resolve of problems
  928. Seeing or hearing a conch shell – Good news
  929. Seeing Lord Shiva – Increase in happiness
  930. Seeing honeybees – Financial growth
  931. Seeing honey – Interest in auspicious activities
  932. Seeing a noblewoman – Benefit in health
  933. Seeing mulberries – Good meal
  934. Seeing a funeral – Sad news
  935. Seeing a sandstorm – Increase in wealth and assets
  936. Seeing or hearing a lawyer – Increase in difficulties, fights
  937. Receiving a bribe – Be cautious
  938. Firing a revolver – End of enmity
  939. Seeing a rickshaw or sitting in it – Satisfaction
  940. Seeing a railway station – Beneficial journey
  941. Seeing a train – Troublesome journey
  942. Seeing a radio playing – Obstruction in progress
  943. Seeing a refrigerator – Financial gain
  944. Seeing a desert – Increase in wealth and assets
  945. Seeing or eating a radish – Good news
  946. Seeing or eating rasgulla – Financial growth
  947. Taking a vow – Unfavorable outcome
  948. Doing yoga asanas – Auspicious outcome
  949. Unfolding a quilt – Obtaining wealth
  950. Getting a new quilt made – Change of residence
  951. Seeing a torn and old quilt – Invitation for auspicious work
  952. Seeing or playing chess – Waste of time
  953. Seeing a shark – Foreign travel
  954. Doing hunting – Trouble for the family
  955. Doing hunting – Trouble for the family
  956. Seeing a mirror – Prolonged illness
  957. Breaking a mirror – Trouble
  958. Seeing a lion – Victory over enemies
  959. Seeing or participating in a mourning ceremony – Organizing a celebration at home
  960. Seeing a clean room – Increase in respect and honor
  961. Seeing a dirty room – Financial troubles
  962. Playing the sitar (by oneself) – Attainment of wealth, grains, and prosperity
  963. Playing the sitar – Participating in a mourning ceremony
  964. Seeing a bathroom – Financial gain
  965. Walking with a dead body – Increase in luck
  966. Massaging the body – Increase in illness
  967. Seeing a canopy – Increase in wealth
  968. Performing ancestral rites – Indication of good times ahead
  969. Removing a shawl – Encounter with misfortune
  970. Seeing a shark – Foreign travel
  971. Hunting – Trouble for the family
  972. Seeing a mirror – Long illness
  973. Breaking a mirror – Disturbance
  974. Seeing a lion – Victory over enemies
  975. Being absorbed in mourning – Celebration at home
  976. Seeing a white bangle – Financial gain
  977. Seeing a white dove – Friendship with enemies
  978. Seeing a white cat – Financial loss
  979. Seeing a tomb – Attainment of good fortune
  980. Itching in the chest or eyes – Financial gain
  981. Seeing betel nuts – Freedom from illness
  982. Finding gold – Financial loss
  983. Seeing a white flower – Relief from a problem
  984. Being bitten by a white snake – Financial gain
  985. Eating dry food – Increase in troubles
  986. Seeing a beautiful woman – Success in love
  987. Crossing a border – Profit in foreign trade
  988. Seeing a centipede – Harm upon seeing it, benefit upon killing it
  989. Having a broad chest – Increase in popularity
  990. Climbing a ladder – Failure in work
  991. Seeing gold – Deception from a partner
  992. Seeing a spinning wheel – Swift punishment for dishonesty
  993. Seeing betel nuts – Quick marriage, increase in the number of friends
  994. Seeing a golden color – Regaining stuck wealth
  995. Seeing a tunnel or entering a tunnel – Beginning a new task
  996. Seeing a needle – Happiness upon seeing one, increase in difficulties upon seeing many
  997. Seeing a burning fire – News of sorrow
  998. Seeing a white bangle – Financial gain
  999. Seeing a white dove – Friendship with enemies
  1000. Seeing a white cat – Financial loss
  1001. Seeing a tomb – Attainment of good fortune
  1002. Itching in the chest or eyes – Financial gain
  1003. Seeing betel nuts – Freedom from illness
  1004. Finding gold – Financial loss
  1005. Seeing a white flower – Relief from a problem
  1006. Being bitten by a white snake – Financial gain
  1007. Eating dry food – Increase in troubles
  1008. Seeing a beautiful woman – Success in love
  1009. Crossing a border – Profit in foreign trade
  1010. Seeing a centipede – Harm upon seeing it, benefit upon lifting it
  1011. Having a broad chest – Increase in popularity
  1012. Climbing a ladder – Failure in work
  1013. Seeing gold – Deception from a partner
  1014. Seeing a spinning wheel – Swift punishment for dishonesty
  1015. Seeing a golden color – Swift punishment for dishonesty
  1016. Stealing gold – Enduring humiliation
  1017. Seeing a bone – Receiving good news
  1018. Seeing greenery – Feeling happy
  1019. Seeing a turmeric knot – Financial progress
  1020. Seeing turmeric being ground – Disturbance
  1021. Seeing flying in the air – Travel-related difficulties
  1022. Seeing fast-moving air – Increase in sorrows
  1023. Seeing moderate air movement – Causing harm to enemies
  1024. Seeing a handcuff – Increase in troubles
  1025. Seeing a palm (of a man) – Increase in enmity
  1026. Seeing a palm (of a woman) – Increase in love
  1027. Seeing a mansion – News of the death of a close person
  1028. Seeing a healer – Illness
  1029. Witnessing a murder – Longevity
  1030. Committing a murder – Engaging in fights or disputes
  1031. Seeing the color green – Increase in happiness and peace
  1032. Seeing a hammer – Receiving respect but with increased effort
  1033. Seeing hashish being smoked – Increase in difficulties
  1034. Becoming a barber – Possibility of being deceived
  1035. Performing a pilgrimage – Fulfillment of desires
  1036. Being attacked – News of an accident
  1037. Seeing a hotel – Unfulfilled desires
  1038. Seeing an airplane – Engaging in excessive lying
  1039. Laughing – Unexplained worries
  1040. Seeing a laughing woman – Domestic troubles
  1041. Laughing (caused by others) – Fulfillment of desires
  1042. Seeing a balance scale – Joy in life
  1043. Touching the sky with hands – Fulfillment of desires
  1044. Tying hands – Negative consequences of bad deeds
  1045. Seeing an elephant – Starting a new venture
  1046. Riding an elephant – Increase in respect and honor
  1047. Seeing a playful elephant – Increase in wealth
  1048. Seeing a ledger – Wastefulness
  1049. Seeing a cat or a mouse crawling on the body – Progress in business
  1050. Eating something bitter – Progress in business
  1051. Hearing the sound of a bell – Good news
  1052. Engaging in adornment – Increase in reputation and prestige
  1053. Breaking an ornament – Happiness in marital life
  1054. Seeing food – Benefits in employment
  1055. Being stung by insects – Progress in business
  1056. Eating salty food – Increase in difficulties
  1057. Seeing a coconut – Receiving auspicious news
  1058. Seeing ghee – Auspicious
  1059. Climbing a hill – Increase in income
  1060. Seeing a house – Financial gain
  1061. Eating snacks – Progress in business
  1062. Seeing one’s own death – Sudden financial gain
  1063. Seeing an elephant, cow, or peacock – Financial gain and progress
  1064. Seeing a cremation ground – Increase in reputation
  1065. Seeing a lizard – Sudden financial gain
  1066. Seeing stars – Fulfillment of desires
  1067. Seeing deities – Attainment of happiness
  1068. Cutting nails – Freedom from illness
  1069. Eating sweets – Increase in reputation and prestige
  1070. Seeing a waving flag – Achieving victory
  1071. Seeing a plate of food – Receiving auspicious news
  1072. Seeing someone adorning oneself – Increase in reputation and prestige
  1073. Seeing a spool of thread – Probable loss of a loved one
  1074. Seeing a henna design on the hand – Struggling for livelihood
  1075. Washing hands – Unfulfilled tasks
  1076. Touching the sky with hands – Fulfillment of desires
  1077. Having hands tied – Negative consequences of bad deeds
  1078. Seeing an elephant – Starting a new venture
  1079. Riding an elephant – Increase in respect and honor
  1080. Seeing a playful elephant – Increase in wealth
  1081. Seeing a hammer – Receiving respect but with increased effort
  1082. Seeing hashish being smoked – Increase in difficulties
  1083. Becoming a barber – Possibility of being deceived
  1084. Performing a pilgrimage – Fulfillment of desires
  1085. Being attacked – News of an accident
  1086. Seeing a hotel – Unfulfilled desires
  1087. Seeing an airplane – Engaging in excessive lying
  1088. Laughing – Unexplained worries
  1089. Seeing a laughing woman – Domestic troubles
  1090. Laughing (caused by others) – Fulfillment of desires
  1091. Seeing a sword – Victory over enemies
  1092. Seeing accounts – Wastefulness
  1093. Seeing a bee or a spider crawling on the body – Progress in business
  1094. Seeing something bitter – Progress in business
  1095. Seeing a hammer – Receiving respect but with increased effort
  1096. Seeing a sword – Victory over enemies
  1097. Seeing a cemetery – Increase in reputation
  1098. Seeing a squirrel – Gain in life’s joy
  1099. Seeing the sun, moon, etc., being destroyed – Equivalent to suffering and hardships
  1100. Seeing a diamond – Financial gain
  1101. Hearing a roar – Victory over enemies
  1102. Smoking a hookah or offering it to others – Increase in friendship
  1103. Seeing someone smoking a hookah – Wasting time
  1104. Seeing a proclamation – Increase in disappointment
  1105. Seeing a clock – Financial shortage
  1106. Seeing a razor – Increase in respect and honor
  1107. Seeing a crane – Financial gain
  1108. Seeing a butcher – Increase in troubles
  1109. Seeing bloodshed – Engaging in fights or disputes
  1110. Seeing green color – Increase in happiness and peace
  1111. Seeing a flag – Victory achievement
  1112. Seeing a coconut – Receiving auspicious news
  1113. Seeing a hill – Increase in income
  1114. Seeing a mansion – Financial gain
  1115. Seeing salt – Progress in business
  1116. Seeing one’s own death – Sudden financial gain
  1117. Seeing an elephant, cow, or peacock – Financial gain and progress
  1118. Seeing a cremation ground – Increase in reputation
  1119. Seeing a lizard – Sudden financial gain
  1120. Seeing a sword – Victory over enemies
  1121. Seeing a hawk – Increase in friendship
  1122. Seeing the destruction of a royal order – Increase in disappointment
  1123. Seeing a white sky – Increase in wealth
  1124. Jumping – Indicates receiving sad news.
  1125. Owl – Indicates sorrow.
  1126. Yawning – Indicates encountering sadness.
  1127. Seeing light – Indicates a sign of success in the future.
  1128. Seeing bright clothes – Indicates increased respect and a potential marriage.
  1129. Rising and falling – Indicates an increase in struggles.
  1130. Tangled hair or thread – Indicates an increase in troubles.
  1131. Seeing a spider – Indicates financial loss or fear of theft.
  1132. Snoring – Indicates encountering sorrow.
  1133. Seeing oneself at a height – Indicates being humiliated.
  1134. Wool – Indicates financial gain.
  1135. Seeing tall mountains – Indicates successful completion of a task after much effort.
  1136. Seeing tall trees – Indicates delayed fulfillment of desires.
  1137. Wearing glasses – Indicates gaining knowledge and respect.
  1138. Seeing medicine – Indicates encountering bad company.
  1139. Seeing an old woman in a dream – Indicates wealth, property, and social benefits.
  1140. Seeing a young woman in a dream – Indicates happiness and financial gain in your life.
  1141. Talking to a woman – Indicates an increase in social respect.
  1142. Old woman laughing – Indicates obtaining happiness and prosperity.
  1143. Seeing a beautiful woman – Indicates receiving good news.
  1144. Digging a grave – Indicates obtaining wealth and building a house.
  1145. Committing murder oneself – Indicates a good dream.
  1146. Seeing oneself as short – Indicates enduring humiliation and experiencing troubles.
  1147. Seeing oneself as tall – Indicates a heavy crisis approaching.
  1148. Taking an oath – Indicates the sorrow of a child.
  1149. Taking a loan – Indicates prosperity.
  1150. Borrowing a loan – Indicates loss in business.
  1151. Artwork – Indicates completion of a religious task.
  1152. Seeing a knife – Indicates completion of a religious task.
  1153. Seeing a factory – Indicates getting stuck in an accident.
  1154. Seeing a black dog – Indicates success in work.
  1155. Seeing a counter – Indicates profit in transactions.
  1156. Seeing a black cat – Indicates good news.
  1157. Seeing a yellow cat – Indicates bad news.
  1158. Seeing a hunchback person – Indicates unfavorable time.
  1159. Seeing a pot – Indicates financial loss and fear of theft.
  1160. Jumping from a height – Indicates failure.
  1161. Seeing oneself as short – Indicates experiencing death-like suffering.
  1162. Decrease in height – Indicates humiliation.
  1163. Seeing a kite – Indicates financial gain.
  1164. Seeing a crow – Indicates success in love.
  1165. Seeing a dog barking – Indicates victory over an enemy.
  1166. Seeing a chair empty – Indicates getting a job.
  1167. Seeing a heap of trash – Indicates receiving wealth after difficulties.
  1168. Seeing a fort – Indicates receiving happiness.
  1169. Seeing a nail – Indicates division in the family.
  1170. Combing hair – Indicates a pilgrimage.
  1171. Seeing a banana – Indicates happiness.
  1172. Seeing a cake – Indicates obtaining a good item.
  1173. Seeing a camera – Indicates hiding one’s secrets.
  1174. Seeing a pottery wheel – Indicates financial gain.
  1175. Seeing a kohl jar – Indicates peace in married life.
  1176. Seeing a banana or eating it – Indicates good news.
  1177. Scissors – Indicates unnecessary arguments with someone.
  1178. Seeing a bungalow – Indicates sorrow.
  1179. Seeing coal – Indicates sorrow from being trapped in the trap of love.
  1180. Seeing the Quran – Indicates the feeling of peace and tranquility.
  1181. Seeing a pen – Indicates gaining knowledge and wealth.
  1182. Giving a loan – Indicates prosperity.
  1183. Taking a loan – Indicates loss in business.
  1184. Seeing an artistic creation – Indicates self-respect.
  1185. Seeing a coconut – Indicates happiness and prosperity.
  1186. Seeing a crow – Indicates financial gain.
  1187. Seeing a dark-skinned person – Indicates auspicious results.
  1188. Seeing a well-dressed person – Indicates inauspicious time.
  1189. Seeing a worm – Indicates struggle in life.
  1190. Seeing a pot – Indicates success.
  1191. Seeing a lotus flower – Indicates acquiring knowledge.
  1192. Seeing cotton – Indicates happiness and prosperity at home.
  1193. Eating curry – Indicates marrying a widow or a widower.
  1194. Seeing a dagger – Indicates completion of a religious task.
  1195. Seeing oneself on a chair – Indicates a new position or promotion.
  1196. Seeing someone else sitting on a chair – Indicates humiliation.
  1197. Seeing a grave – Indicates disappointment.
  1198. Talking to an old woman – Indicates increased social respect.
  1199. Old woman laughing – Indicates happiness and prosperity.
  1200. Seeing a beautiful woman – Indicates receiving good news.
  1201. Seeing a black dog – Indicates success in work.
  1202. Seeing a counter – Indicates profit in transactions.
  1203. Seeing a black cat – Indicates good news.
  1204. Seeing a yellow cat – Indicates bad news.
  1205. Seeing a person with a hunchback – Indicates unfavorable time.
  1206. Seeing a person with a flattened nose – Indicates receiving respect.
  1207. Seeing a buffalo – Indicates love received.
  1208. Seeing a loaded donkey – Indicates profit in business.
  1209. Hearing a donkey braying – Indicates sorrow caused by people making fun of you.
  1210. Riding a donkey – Indicates good news.
  1211. Seeing a cow – Indicates financial gain.
  1212. Seeing a yellow-colored cow or ox – indication of an epidemic outbreak.
  1213. Seeing hot water – sign of fever or other illness.
  1214. Seeing a bald head – passing an exam.
  1215. Being cursed or insulted – tarnishing of reputation.
  1216. Reciting the Gayatri mantra – rare and auspicious dream, indicates respect and honor increasing.
  1217. Seeing a glass – reduction in household expenses.
  1218. Counting – loss in work.
  1219. Seeing a lizard – indication of getting involved in an argument.
  1220. Seeing a squirrel – very auspicious.
  1221. Seeing a gecko – encountering fear from enemies.
  1222. Seeing a wet object – indication of a long illness.
  1223. Seeing the Bhagavad Gita – rare time.
  1224. Seeing a rose – increase in respect.
  1225. Eating jaggery – achieving success.
  1226. Seeing a doll – indication of an early marriage.
  1227. Eating or throwing away a nut – indication of a significant financial gain.
  1228. Seeing wheat – earning after a lot of hard work.
  1229. Seeing a ball – experiencing trouble.
  1230. Seeing a marigold flower – mental unrest.
  1231. Seeing a clay-colored garment – auspicious time.
  1232. Seeing the Granth Sahib – interest in religious activities.
  1233. Seeing a narrow lane – benefit from viewing a deserted lane.
  1234. Providing testimony – getting involved in a crime.
  1235. Seeing a flowerpot – trouble when seen empty, auspicious when seen with blooming flowers.
  1236. Seeing a broom or sitting on it – inclusion in mourning.
  1237. Seeing a cowherd or cowherdess – good result.
  1238. Seeing a carrot – good crop.
  1239. Seeing a vehicle – meaningful journey.
  1240. Checking the time – going on a trip.
  1241. Losing a watch – postponement of travel plans.
  1242. Seeing a decorated house – loss in property.
  1243. Seeing a ruin – gain in property.
  1244. Seeing someone else entering the house – victory over enemies.
  1245. Seeing fire in the house – gain from the government.
  1246. Seeing a golden house – indication of a fire in the house.
  1247. Seeing an iron house – increase in respect.
  1248. Seeing a filled jar – financial gain.
  1249. Hearing the sound of a bell – indication of theft.
  1250. Seeing a clock tower – inauspicious news.
  1251. Seeing a riverbank – indication of going on a pilgrimage.
  1252. Seeing a wounded person – relief from trouble.
  1253. Seeing grass – there will be benefits.
  1254. Seeing ghee – increase in wealth and prosperity.
  1255. Kneeling down – success in arguments and disputes.
  1256. Hearing the sound of anklets – increase in respect and honor.
  1257. Seeing a veil – starting a new business.
  1258. Seeing a decorated horse or elephant – progress.
  1259. Seeing a clock tower – inauspicious news.
  1260. Seeing a riverbank – indication of going on a pilgrimage.
  1261. Seeing a wounded person – relief from trouble.
  1262. Seeing grass – there will be benefits.
  1263. Seeing ghee – increase in wealth and prosperity.
  1264. Kneeling down – success in arguments and disputes.
  1265. Hearing the sound of anklets – increase in respect and honor.
  1266. Seeing a veil – starting a new business.
  1267. Seeing a decorated horse – loss in work.
  1268. Seeing a black horse – increase in respect and honor.
  1269. Climbing on a horse or elephant – progress.
  1270. Seeing a moving wheel – improvement in business.
  1271. Wearing slippers – going on a journey.
  1272. Seeing a grinding mill – increase in respect and honor.
  1273. Seeing leather – sorrow.
  1274. Seeing a latticed window – increase in respect and honor.
  1275. Seeing a black stone – auspicious.
  1276. Seeing a white stone – inauspicious.
  1277. Chewing betel leaves – financial loss.
  1278. Eating powder – gain in illness.
  1279. Seeing a cot – loss.
  1280. Seeing a clean cot – increase in household trouble.
  1281. Seeing a dirty cot – gain in wealth.
  1282. Wrapping oneself in a shroud – increase in family troubles.
  1283. Seeing a dirty shroud – gain in wealth.
  1284. Seeing a folded shroud – indication of theft.
  1285. Seeing a mouse – deceit by a woman.
  1286. Seeing a trapped mouse – physical discomfort.
  1287. Killing a mouse – immediate success.
  1288. Seeing a dead mouse – financial gain.
  1289. Eating powdered mixture – increase in illness.
  1290. Walking on the ground – finding new employment.
  1291. Walking on water – loss in business.
  1292. Walking in the sky – indication of illness.
  1293. Seeing a lunar eclipse – all activities will go wrong.
  1294. Seeing a bat flying – long journey.
  1295. Seeing a hanging bat – inauspicious sign.
  1296. Seeing a spoon – deception by a close person.
  1297. Seeing a slipper – going on a journey.
  1298. Eating chutney – increase in sorrow.
  1299. Operating a charkha – machinery failure.
  1300. Losing one’s glasses – indication of theft.
  1301. Drinking milk from a silver vessel – increase in wealth.
  1302. Seeing a chowrie – gain from children.
  1303. Seeing a picture – meeting an old friend.
  1304. Seeing an ant – financial gain.
  1305. Seeing a lot of ants – trouble.
  1306. Seeing a dead ant – gain in wealth.
  1307. Hitting a bedpost – hindrance in work.
  1308. Walking on water – loss in business.
  1309. Walking in the sky – indication of illness.
  1310. Seeing a hanging bat – inauspicious sign.
  1311. Seeing a spoon – deception by a close person.
  1312. Seeing a slipper – going on a journey.
  1313. Eating chutney – increase in sorrow.
  1314. Operating a charkha – machinery failure.
  1315. Losing one’s glasses – indication of theft.
  1316. Drinking milk from a silver vessel – increase in wealth.
  1317. Seeing a chowrie – gain from children.
  1318. Seeing a picture – meeting an old friend.
  1319. Seeing an ant – financial gain.
  1320. Seeing a lot of ants – trouble.
  1321. Seeing a dead ant – gain in wealth.
  1322. Hitting a bedpost – hindrance in work.
  1323. Seeing a banyan tree – loss in work.
  1324. Seeing a child’s toy – trouble in the house.
  1325. Seeing a kite – financial gain.
  1326. Seeing a pigeon – indication of a guest’s arrival.
  1327. Seeing a dove hanging – long journey.
  1328. Seeing a dirty pigeon – inauspicious sign.
  1329. Seeing a cat – deceit by a woman.
  1330. Seeing a trapped cat – physical discomfort.
  1331. Killing a cat – immediate success.
  1332. Seeing a dead cat – financial gain.
  1333. Breaking bangles – husband’s long life (for a woman).
  1334. Seeing a sieve – loss in business.
  1335. Wearing a veil – increase in education.
  1336. Jumping – failure in endeavors.
  1337. Hearing the sound of jingling – arrival of guests.
  1338. Seeing a roof – increase in respect.
  1339. Seeing a plate of buttermilk – gain in wealth.
  1340. Seeing a churn – increase in respect and honor.
  1341. Seeing a dirty cloth – sorrow.
  1342. Seeing a clean cloth – gain in wealth.
  1343. Keeping a cloth folded – indication of theft.
  1344. Seeing a rainbow – bad luck.
  1345. Drinking milk – increase in wealth.
  1346. Seeing a swarm of bees – indication of trouble.
  1347. Seeing a bee stinging – gain from a woman.
  1348. Seeing a bee hive – loss in business.
  1349. Seeing a bee making honey – increase in respect and honor.
  1350. Seeing a well – gain in property.
  1351. Seeing a dirty well – financial gain.
  1352. Seeing someone else’s reflection in the well – victory over enemies.
  1353. Seeing oneself reflected in the well – gain from the government.
  1354. Seeing a golden well – indication of fire in the house.
  1355. Seeing an iron well – increase in respect and honor.
  1356. Seeing a full pitcher – financial gain.
  1357. Hearing the sound of anklets – increase in respect and honor.
  1358. Seeing a veil – starting a new business.
  1359. Seeing a decorated horse – loss in work.
  1360. Seeing a black horse – increase in respect and honor.
  1361. Climbing on a horse or elephant – progress.
  1362. Seeing a moving wheel – improvement in business.
  1363. Wearing slippers – going on a journey.
  1364. Seeing a grinding mill – increase in respect and honor.
  1365. Seeing leather – sorrow.
  1366. Seeing a latticed window – increase in respectand honor.
  1367. Seeing a black stone – auspicious.
  1368. Seeing a white stone – inauspicious.
  1369. Chewing betel leaves – financial loss.
  1370. Eating powder – gain in illness.
  1371. Seeing a cot – loss.
  1372. Seeing a clean cot – increase in household trouble.
  1373. Seeing a dirty cot – gain in wealth.
  1374. Wrapping oneself in a shroud – increase in family troubles.
  1375. Seeing a dirty shroud – gain in wealth.
  1376. Seeing a folded shroud – indication of theft.
  1377. Seeing a mouse – deceit by a woman.
  1378. Seeing a trapped mouse – physical discomfort.
  1379. Killing a mouse – immediate success.
  1380. Seeing a dead mouse – financial gain.
  1381. Eating powdered mixture – increase in illness.
  1382. Walking on the ground – finding new employment.
  1383. Walking on water – loss in business.
  1384. Walking in the sky – indication of illness.
  1385. Seeing a lunar eclipse – all activities will go wrong.
  1386. Seeing a bat flying – long journey.
  1387. Seeing a hanging bat – inauspicious sign.
  1388. Seeing a spoon – deception by a close person.
  1389. Seeing a slipper – going on a journey.
  1390. Eating chutney – increase in sorrow.
  1391. Operating a charkha – machinery failure.
  1392. Losing one’s glasses – indication of theft.
  1393. Drinking milk from a silver vessel – increase in wealth.
  1394. Seeing a chowrie – gain from children.
  1395. Seeing a picture – meeting an old friend.
  1396. Seeing an ant – financial gain.
  1397. Seeing a lot of ants – trouble.
  1398. Seeing a dead ant – gain in wealth.
  1399. Hitting a bedpost – hindrance in work.
  1400. Walking on water – loss in business.
  1401. Walking in the sky – indication of illness.
  1402. Seeing a hanging bat – inauspicious sign.
  1403. Seeing a spoon – deception by a close person.
  1404. Seeing a slipper – going on a journey.
  1405. Eating chutney – increase in sorrow.
  1406. Operating a charkha – machinery failure.
  1407. Losing one’s glasses – indication of theft.
  1408. Drinking milk from a silver vessel – increase in wealth.
  1409. Seeing a chowrie – gain from children.
  1410. Seeing a picture – meeting an old friend.
  1411. Seeing an ant – financial gain.
  1412. Seeing a lot of ants – trouble.
  1413. Seeing a dead ant – gain in wealth.
  1414. Hitting a bedpost – hindrance in work.
  1415. Seeing a banyan tree – loss in work.
  1416. Seeing a child’s toy – trouble in the house.
  1417. Seeing a kite – financial gain.
  1418. Seeing a pigeon – indication of a guest’s arrival.
  1419. Seeing a dove hanging – long journey.
  1420. Seeing a dirty pigeon – inauspicious sign.
  1421. Seeing a cat – deceit by a woman.
  1422. Seeing a trapped cat – physical discomfort.
  1423. Killing a cat – immediate success.
  1424. Seeing a dead cat – financial gain.
  1425. Breaking bangles – husband’s long life (for a woman).
  1426. Seeing a sieve – loss in business.
  1427. Wearing a veil – increase in education.
  1428. Jumping – failure in endeavors.
  1429. Hearing the sound of jingling – arrival of guests.
  1430. Seeing a roof – increase in respect.
  1431. Seeing a plate of buttermilk – gain in wealth.
  1432. Seeing a churn – increase in respect and honor.
  1433. Seeing a dirty cloth – sorrow.
  1434. Seeing a clean cloth – gain in wealth.
  1435. Keeping a cloth folded – indication of theft.
  1436. Seeing a rainbow – bad luck.
  1437. Drinking milk – increase in wealth.
  1438. Seeing a swarm of bees – indication of trouble.
  1439. Seeing a bee stinging – gain from a woman.
  1440. Seeing a bee hive – loss in business.
  1441. Seeing a bee making honey – increase in respect and honor.
  1442. Seeing a well – gain in property.
  1443. Seeing a dirty well – financial gain.
  1444. Seeing someone else’s reflection in the well – victory over enemies.
  1445. Seeing oneself reflected in the well – gain from the government.
  1446. Seeing a golden well – indication of fire in the house.
  1447. Seeing an iron well – increase in respect and honor.
  1448. Seeing a full pitcher – financial gain.
  1449. Hearing the sound of anklets – increase in respect and honor.
  1450. Seeing a veil – starting a new business.
  1451. Seeing a decorated horse – loss in work.
  1452. Seeing a black horse – increase in respect and honor.
  1453. Climbing on a horse or elephant – progress.
  1454. Seeing a moving wheel – improvement in business.
  1455. Wearing slippers – going on a journey.
  1456. Seeing a grinding mill – increase in respect and honor.
  1457. Seeing leather – sorrow.
  1458. Seeing a latticed window – increase in respect and honor.
  1459. Seeing a black stone – auspicious.
  1460. Seeing a white stone – inauspicious.
  1461. Chewing betel leaves – financial loss.
  1462. Eating powder – gain in illness.
  1463. Seeing a cot – loss.
  1464. Seeing a clean cot – increase in household trouble.
  1465. Seeing a dirty cot – gain in wealth.
  1466. Wrapping oneself in a shroud – increase in family troubles.
  1467. Seeing a dirty shroud – gain in wealth.

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