
Paintings jpg e1692518811656


Introduction :

Paintings are more than just artistic expressions. They also reflect one’s personality, emotions, and beliefs. Paintings can also affect the energy and mood of a space, especially when they follow the principles of Vastu Shastra and astrology.

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture and design that aims to create harmony and balance in the environment by following the natural elements and directions. Astrology is the study of the movements and positions of Planets and their influence on human affairs and events.

According to Vastu Shastra and astrology, different directions are related to different planets, elements, colours, and qualities. Therefore, choosing the right kind of paintings for each direction can enhance the positive effects and reduce the negative ones.

In this article, we will explore which kinds of paintings are best in direction wise astrological aspect, and how they can benefit your home and office.

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North Direction: Water, Mercury, Blue, Career, Wealth

The north direction is controlled by the planet Mercury, which represents communication, intelligence, business, and commerce. The element of water is also related to the north direction, which signifies flow, abundance, and prosperity.

The colour blue is the most suitable for this direction, as it reflects the sky and the ocean.

Paintings that depict water-related scenes, such as waterfalls, rivers, lakes, or oceans, are ideal for the north direction. They can attract wealth, success, and opportunities in your career and business. They c

an also create a sense of calmness and clarity in your mind. However, avoid paintings that show stagnant or dirty water, as they can have the opposite effect.

Another option for the north direction is paintings that depict roads or paths that lead to a destination. They can symbolize your journey towards your goals and aspirations. They can also inspire you to overcome obstacles and challenges along the way.

Some examples of paintings that are suitable for the north direction are:

A painting of a waterfall or a river flowing smoothly

A painting of a blue sky with clouds or stars

A painting of a bridge or a tunnel that connects two places

A painting of a boat or a ship sailing on the ocean

East Direction: Fire,

Sun, Red, Health, Fame

The east direction is ruled by the planet Sun, which represents vitality, energy, health, and fame. The element of fire is also related to the east direction, which signifies passion, enthusiasm, and creativity.

The colour red is the most appropriate for this direction, as it reflects the sunrise and the fire.

Paintings that depict fire-related scenes, such as sunrises, sunsets, candles, or bonfires, are ideal for the east direction. They can boost your health, vitality, and immunity.

They can also enhance your fame, reputation, and recognition in your field or society. They can also ignite your passion, enthusiasm, and creativity for your work or hobbies.

Another option for the east direction is paintings that depict nature-related scenes, such as flowers, fruits, or birds. They can symbolize growth, fertility, and abundance in your life. They can also bring joy, happiness, and beauty to your surroundings.

Some examples of paintings that are suitable for the east direction are:

A painting of a sunrise or a sunset over a landscape

A painting of a candle or a bonfire glowing in the dark

A painting of a red rose or a red apple

A painting of a bird or a butterfly flying in the sky

South Direction: Earth,

Mars, Brown, Strength, Courage

The south direction is dominated by the planet Mars, which represents strength, courage, action, and competition. The element of earth is also linked to the south direction, which signifies stability, security, and support.

The colour brown is the most fitting for this direction, as it reflects the soil and the mountains.

Paintings that depict earth-related scenes, such as mountains, rocks, or deserts, are ideal for the south direction. They can enhance your strength, courage,

and confidence to face any challenges or risks. They can also provide you with stability,security,and support in your personal or professional life. They can also help you achieve your goals and ambitions with determination and perseverance.

Another option for the south direction is paintings that depict animal-related scenes,

such as lions,


or horses.

They can symbolize power,


and courage in your life.

They can also inspire you to take action and initiative in your endeavors.

Some examples of paintings that are suitable for the south direction are:

A painting of a mountain or a rock standing tall and firm

A painting of a desert or a sand dune with a clear sky

A painting of a lion or a tiger roaring or hunting

A painting of a horse or a bull running or charging

West Direction: Air,

Venus, White, Relationships, Harmony

The west direction is influenced by the planet Venus, which represents relationships, love, beauty, and harmony. The element of air is also connected to the west direction, which signifies communication, movement, and flexibility. The colour white is the most compatible for this direction, as it reflects the clouds and the moon.

Paintings that depict air-related scenes, such as clouds, winds, or feathers, are ideal for the west direction. They can improve your communication, cooperation,and understanding with your partner,family,friends,or colleagues.They can also bring harmony,peace,and balance to your environment.They can also help you adapt to changes and new situations with ease and grace.

Another option for the west direction is paintings that depict human-related scenes,such as couples,children,or groups.They can symbolize love,affection,and intimacy in your life.They can also foster a sense of belonging and connection with others.

Some examples of paintings that are suitable for the west direction are:

A painting of clouds or winds in different shapes and colours

A painting of a feather or a wing floating or flying

A painting of a couple or a child hugging or kissing

A painting of a group or a crowd smiling or dancing


Paintings are more than just decorative items. They can have a profound impact on the energy and mood of a space, especially when they follow the principles of Vastu Shastra and astrology. By choosing the right kind of paintings for each direction, you can enhance the positive effects and reduce the negative ones. You can also benefit from the qualities and influences of the planets, elements, colours, and themes that are associated with each direction. Paintings can help you create a harmonious and balanced environment that supports your well-being, happiness, and success.

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