Sun Transit 2023:सूर्य का गोचर Aug 2023
सूर्य का राशि परिवर्तन हो या किसी और गृह का राशि परिवर्तन , इसका प्रभाव किस राशि पर क्या पड़ेगा लिख देने भर से बात पूरी नहीं होती क्युकी जिस गृह का राशि परिवर्तन हो रहा है वह गृह आपकी कुंडली में किस भाव या किस राशि या किस नक्षत्र में है ये देखे बिना किसी तरह का प्रभाव बताना मुश्किल है।
जो लोग केवल राशि परिवर्तन के आधार पर सम्पूर्ण प्रभाव बता देते हैं वो केवल आपको बस पूर्वानुमान ही बता सकते हैं।कुंडली में कौन सा गृह किस भाव या स्तिथि में है । किसी भी कुंडली में कौन सा गृह मित्र है या शत्रु है , कमजोर है या मजबूत।
राशि परिवर्तन का प्रभाव पढ़ने के लिए ये जरूर पहले ही ज्ञात कर ले
Sun Transit Effect on Aries: सूर्य का गोचर मेष राशि वालों के लिए बहुत शुभ रहने वाला है। नौकरीपेशा जीवन में सब कुछ शानदार रहेगा। जिससे आपको लाभ मिलेगा। इस गोचर से आपकी यात्राओं के योग बनेंगे जो आपको लाभ दिलाएंगे। जो लोग सरकारी नौकरी या प्रशासनिक भूमिका में हैं उनका मान-सम्मान बढ़ेगा। साहस और पराक्रम में वृद्धि होगी। ये गोचर उन गतिविधियों को शुरू करेगा जो काफी समय से बंद पड़ी हैं। ये गोचर आपके लिए शुभ फल लेकर आएगा।
Sun Transit Effect on Cancer : इस गोचर के दौरान जोड़ों का दर्द आपको परेशान कर सकता है। नौकरी में कुछ अनचाहे परिणाम आ सकते हैं। इस संघर्ष में खुद को अकेला न समझे। आपको परिवार का भरपूर साथ मिलेगा। आपका मनोबल बढ़ेगा। आपका कारोबार बढ़ेगा। साझेदारी में कोई फैसला न लें और सोचसमझकर निर्णय लें।
Sun Transit Effect on Virgo : सूर्य गोचर के प्रभाव से आपके लिए इस बीच काफी भागदौड़ हो सकती है। आपको सफलता प्राप्त होगी। कामकाज आपका बहुत तेज़ चलेगा जिससे आपको तरक्की मिलेगी। कन्या राशि के जातकों के लिए यह गोचर बहुत अच्छा रहने वाला है। आप काम के सिलसिले में विदेश यात्रा पर जा सकते हैं। यह समय आपके लिए फलदायी साबित होगा। आपको विदेश में बसने का भी मौका मिल सकता है।
Sun Transit Effect on Sagittarius: सूर्य गोचर के शुभ प्रभाव से नौकरीपेशा जीवन में आ रही अड़चनें दूर होंगी। ऐसी अवस्थाओं से खुद को दूर रख के चलने का प्रयत्न करें जिससे कि आपको लाभ होगा। नौकरीपेशा जीवन में परिवर्तन के संकेत मिल रहे हैं। पारिवारिक स्थिति भी सामान्य रहेगी, जिससे कि आपको लाभ होगा। कोई नई ख़ुशी आ सकती है। आपको बहुत ही अच्छा महसूस होगा। स्वास्थ्य भी आपका बहुत अच्छा रहेगा।
Sun Transit Effect on Aquarius: सूर्य के गोचर से इस राशि के जातक रचनात्मक क्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ेंगे। यह समय आपके लिए बहुत शुभ साबित होगा। सूर्य का यह गोचर आपकी रचनात्मकता क्षमता को बढ़ाएगा। आप अपने प्रॉजेक्ट या व्यापार में नए विचारों को शामिल करेंगे। इस दौरान आप अपनी योजनाओं को क्रियान्वित करने में सफल होंगे। सूर्य का गोचर आपके साहस को बढ़ाएगा।
Whether there is a change in the position of the Sun or the position of any other planet,
the impact of such changes on a specific zodiac sign can’t be fully described without considering the house,
zodiac sign, or constellation where that planet’s change is occurring in your birth chart.
Identifying the exact influence without examining the placement of the planet in your chart can be challenging.
Those who solely predict the overall impact based on planetary position changes can only provide you with general estimations.
Which planet is situated in which house or position in the birth chart?
In any birth chart, which planet is a friend or an adversary, weak or strong.
To understand the influence of zodiac changes, it is essential to determine these factors in advance.
Sun Transit Effect on Aries: The Budhaditya Yoga will also bring you a lot of success this time. Your blocked finances will also start flowing back. Maintain control over your speech to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Take care of your health. Your financial situation will also improve. Family relationships could be strained.
Sun Transit Effect on Taurus: This transit of the Sun will provide you with a golden opportunity. You will succeed in interviews. If you’re seeking employment, you will achieve success. Your work will continue to progress smoothly. Maintain control over your speech and bring sweetness to it. Keep your diet in check to prevent any adverse effects on your health. Eye-related issues might arise. Avoid getting entangled in business matters and make decisions thoughtfully.
Sun Transit Effect on Gemini:The Sun’s entry into the Gemini sign is nothing less than a boon for you. Your social status will improve. Many of your plans will bear fruit. This transit will enable successful foreign travels. Your desire to earn money will be fulfilled, and your financial situation will improve. Your business sphere will yield profits. Avoid making hasty partnership decisions; think carefully before making decisions.
Sun Transit Effect on Cancer : During this transit, you might experience joint pain. Unwanted outcomes might surface in your job. Don’t think of yourself as alone in this struggle. You will receive ample support from your family. Your morale will boost. Your business will thrive. Don’t get caught up in partnership matters; make well-thought-out decisions.
Sun Transit Effect on Leo: The Sun’s transit into the Cancer sign is nothing short of a blessing for you. Your social status will rise significantly. Many of your plans will yield fruitful results. This transit will facilitate successful foreign journeys. Your financial desires will be met, and your financial situation will improve. Your career sector will bring you gains, as this transit is favorable for your sign. This period will witness advancements in your career field.
Sun Transit Effect on Virgo :This transit might bring about a lot of hustle and bustle for you. You will achieve success. Your work will progress rapidly, leading to growth and advancement. For Virgo individuals, this transit is very favorable. You might travel abroad for work, which will bring you gains. This time will be beneficial for you. You might also get an opportunity to settle abroad.
Sun Transit Effect on Libra: The transit of the Sun into the Libra sign will bring great success in higher education for Libra individuals. You will gravitate towards spirituality, which will help relieve mental stress. You will remain quite busy. The family atmosphere will be pleasant, bringing sweetness. Your health will be average.
Sun Transit Effect on Scorpio: For Scorpio individuals, this transit will remain relatively normal. The upcoming situations could trouble you significantly, causing mental stress. Before undertaking any task, listen to your inner voice, then proceed. Don’t get entangled in your state of affairs; analyze everything before acting. Financial scarcity might occur. Headaches could be a recurring issue.
Sun Transit Effect on Sagittarius: The positive effects of the Sun’s transit will help you overcome obstacles in your professional life. Make efforts to distance yourself from unfavorable situations, which will be beneficial. There are signs of transformation in your professional life. Family situations will remain moderate, which will benefit you. New sources of happiness might arise. You will feel quite content. Your health will be quite good.
Sun Transit Effect on Capricorn: The transit of the Sun into the Capricorn sign will boost your performance in business-related matters. Avoid excessive spending; otherwise, your financial situation might weaken. Travel cautiously, and it will bring you significant gains. The family situation will be favorable. You will experience relief from mental stress. Your health will remain normal.
Sun Transit Effect on Aquarius: The Sun’s transit will propel individuals of this sign towards advancement in creative fields. This period will prove to be highly auspicious for you. This transit will enhance your creative abilities. You will incorporate new ideas into your projects or business. During this time, you will succeed in implementing your plans. The transit of the Sun will boost your courage.
Sun Transit Effect on Pisces: individuals will benefit from programs related to the service industry. Your desire will lead you to success. While you might be assertive, excessive anger could be harmful. If any task has been delayed for a long time, it will finally be completed. The family environment will be joyful.
Umer pervaiz kausar
August 17, 2023 at 10:17 am