Astronomical Basis of Vedic Astrology

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Astronomical Basis of Vedic Astrology

Astronomical Basis of Vedic Astrology

            The Zodiac is a belt of heavens extending on the both sides of the ecliptic. It encircles the space through which the planets travel in their orbits.

Vedic Astrology employs sidereal zodiac, which is different form the tropical zodiac, used in Western Astrology. While the tropical (Western) Astrology used the vernal equinox (The Sun’s position at the beginning of spring) the starting point for the measurements along the Zodiac, the sidereal (Vedic) Astrology use fixed starts to identify different segments along the zodiac.

  The starting points of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs coincide once every 25,800 years. After that the starting points separate from each other by an approximate 1 degree of   an arch per each 72 years. The difference between the longitude of the starting points of the sidereal and tropical zodiac at any given time is called Ayanamsha.

Due to the existing controversy about the year in which the two starting points coincided last, there are several Ayanamsha used by different school of Vedic astrologers. Some of them are Lahiri, Krishnamurti, Raman, and Fagan Ayanamsha. Lahiri is the most widely used Ayanamsha which is based on the last coincidence point taking place in the year 285 A.D.

If you to convert your sidereal (Vedic) planetary positions into tropical (Western), you can do so by adding this Ayanamsha to the degrees of the planets in your Vedic Chart. To arrive at the sidereal positions by converting the tropical ones, you will need to subtract the Ayanamsha from the tropical positions.

ब्रह्मांडीय राशि एक आसमानी पट्टी है जो ईक्लिप्टिक के दोनों ओर फैली हुई है। यह उन स्थानों को घेरती है जहां ग्रह अपने गोलमार्ग में चलते हैं।

वैदिक ज्योतिष में सायद्रीय राशि प्रयोग की जाती है, जो पश्चिमी ज्योतिष में प्रयुक्त वृषाभादि राशि से अलग होती है। पश्चिमी (वेस्टर्न) ज्योतिष में व्यार्ल इक्विनॉक्स (वसंत की शुरुआत में सूर्य का स्थान) को आसमानी पट्टी पर माप करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है, वहीं सायद्रीय (वैदिक) ज्योतिष में भिन्न भिन्न राशियों को पहचानने के लिए स्थिर नक्षत्रों का उपयोग किया जाता है।

सायद्रीय और पश्चिमी राशियों के प्रारंभिक स्थानों का संक्रामक प्रत्येक 25,800 वर्षों में एक बार मिलता है। इसके बाद, प्रारंभिक स्थानों का अलग होने लगता है, प्रत्येक 72 वर्ष में लगभग 1 डिग्री के एक चाप के द्वारा। किसी भी दिए गए समय पर सायद्रीय और पश्चिमी राशि के स्थानों के देशान्तर को आयानांश कहा जाता है।

इसके बारे में मौजूदा विवाद के कारण, वैदिक ज्योतिषियों के विभिन्न संघ के द्वारा कई आयानांश प्रयुक्त होते हैं। उनमें से कुछ हैं लाहिरी, कृष्णमूर्ति, रामन, और फगान आयानांश। लाहिरी सबसे अधिक प्रयुक्त आयानांश है, जिसका आधार पिछले संयोग बिंदु के आयोजन वर्ष 285 ई. पू. में हुआ।

यदि आप अपनी सायद्रीय (वैदिक) ग्रह स्थितियों को पश्चिमी (वेस्टर्न) में बदलना चाहते हैं, तो आपको अपनी वैदिक चार्ट में ग्रहों के डिग्री में इस आयानांश को जोड़ना होगा। ताकि पश्चिमी स्थानों को सायद्रीय स्थानों में बदला जा सके। सायद्रीय स्थानों को प्राप्त करने के लिए, आपको तापमानिक स्थानों से आयानांश को घटाना होगा।

Q 1: What is the astronomical basis of Vedic astrology?

Answer: The astronomical basis of Vedic astrology involves the study and interpretation of celestial bodies, including the planets, stars, and their positions, as well as their relationship with the Earth, to make predictions and analyze influences on human life.

Q 2: How does Vedic astrology use astronomical observations?

Answer: Vedic astrology uses astronomical observations to determine the position of planets, stars, and other celestial bodies at the time of an individual’s birth. These observations form the foundation for creating birth charts and making astrological predictions.

Q 3: Which celestial bodies are considered in Vedic astrology?

Answer: Vedic astrology primarily considers the positions and movements of seven celestial bodies known as “Grahas,” including the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The nodes of the Moon, Rahu, and Ketu, are also significant.

Q 4: How are planetary positions determined in Vedic astrology?

Answer: The planetary positions are determined using astronomical calculations and ephemeris, which provide the precise locations of planets at any given time. These positions are then used to construct birth charts and analyze the influences of the planets on an individual’s life.

Q 5: Does Vedic astrology consider the zodiac signs?

Answer: Yes, Vedic astrology considers the zodiac signs as a backdrop for planetary placements. The zodiac is divided into 12 equal parts, each associated with a specific sign, which is used to determine the location of planets in a birth chart.

Q 6: Are the constellations important in Vedic astrology?

Answer: Yes, the constellations, known as “Nakshatras,” are significant in Vedic astrology. The Nakshatras divide the zodiac into 27 equal segments, and each Nakshatra has its own qualities and influences that are considered in chart analysis.

Q 7: How do planetary transits affect Vedic astrology?

Answer: Planetary transits refer to the movement of planets through different zodiac signs. These transits are significant in Vedic astrology as they influence various aspects of life based on the planetary positions in relation to an individual’s birth chart.

Q 8: Can Vedic astrology predict astronomical events?

Answer: Vedic astrology is primarily focused on analyzing the influences of celestial bodies on human life rather than predicting astronomical events such as comets, eclipses, or meteor showers. However, some astrologers may offer insights into general astronomical phenomena within an astrological context.

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